Chapter 9

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After a long hour of Jake and Christine endlessly flirting with each other and Adam whispering things into my ear that turned me on. We finally arrived at the club. The club we went to was called H2O, It reminded me of the mermaid tv show I use to watch when I was in grade school.

As we drove in circles trying to find a damn parking spot in this sea of endless cars, my mind drifted off into thought.

I'm so glad that Adam took me to the club cause I need to get out of this drama I swam myself into and I think Adam would be the perfect distraction from this drama I got myself into and I also like him a bit. I don't know If I like him more than Ethan but he's up there. I don't know why I even have Ethan as an option he is sweet but he's the reason why my best friend is D-E-A-D, dead.

"Yo Ciara are we gonna get out and get are groove on or naw" Jake said snapping me out of my daydream.

"I'll get out if you never say groove again"

"Deal" he said laughing while turning off the car and hopping out.

Surprisingly we didn't have to wait in the line because Jakes dad owns the club and we got in for free and quick, and everything we want is free cause jake said it's no big deal and he's dad is cool with it.

As we entered the club I am surrounded with people screaming at each other trying to talk over the loud music playing.

"LETS GO GET SOME DRINKS" Jake yelled over the loud music.

Adam grabbed my hand and took me to the bar and handed me a shot glass.

"What is it?". I asked

"Just drink it trust me it's nothin bad just some alcohol"

I just shrugged my shoulders and drowned the shot. After that one shot I knew that tonight would be a fun night.


All I felt was guilt. She acts like I didn't feel anything for Amy and I'm just the manwhore that killed her best friend. But really I didn't kill her I just didn't picked her up. I'm glad Ciara left me at the house, I'm not man enough to protect her, for fucks sake I couldn't even protect Amy because of Emily. Right now Emily isn't in the best state of mind, she's in a mental institution. After Amy died she would go around town telling everyone she didn't die and even went to Amy parents so her parents put her in a mental institution only four months after Amy's death.

I still love Amy she was amazing, me and Emily were working on a school project and it just got heated and I could face Amy cause I loved her, loved.

I finally got up from my bed and made my way downstairs, to where I saw my brother and his girlfriend making out on the couch. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the refrigerator and grabbed my Gatorade and slammed the door so my brother would stop eating his girlfriends face.

"You screwed up big Time bro" my brother said after he stopped kissing his girlfriend and looked over at me.

I walked over to the couch and sat down.

"What the fuck do you mean"

"Stop moping around and go get the girl"

"She knows now so she hates me"

"She didn't know before?"

"Her parents lied to her about what happened"

"If I may intrude I think we should go out for the night" my brothers girlfriend, Jamie said.

"Fine whatever lets go to IHOP I'm hungry" I said getting up and waking towards the island in the kitchen to grab my car keys.

"No that's not what I mean, Ethan" Jamie said giggling. I raised an eyebrow at her confused at what the hell does she mean.

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