Chapter 26

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I don't have any news worthy news to share except that I went to go see paramore and fall out boy and it was a to the g amazing. Anyways lovelies I hope you enjoy ...muah.


I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

But darling,

You are the only exception."-paramore,the only exception

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In the first time since forever it seems like, I felt happy and in peace with myself and not hesitant towards waking up this morning cause I knew that he would be there to kiss away all my problems in the world it seems.

I fluttered my eyes opens and I see him sound asleep next to me and letting a few snores sneak out here and there. I'm laying on his chest and our legs our tangled up together and the morning sunshine is creeping it's way through his cheaply made blinds to land perfectly on his face. I run my hands through his bed head hair and I hear him moan in satisfaction and he eyes flutter open and he stares into mine and I prop myself onto my elbows and give him a light kiss on the lips and say good morning to him.

"Love, it's way to early." He said glancing over looking at his alarm clock that read 8:45.

"But I'm not tired." I pouted a little bit while trying to quiver my lip which it wasn't as easy as it look.

"Aren't you cute but at least lay down with me, okay?" He mumbled at bit clearly still being a little tired cause unlike me Ethan is a afternoon person.

"Okay." I said finally giving into him and falling back down onto him where his arm, almost instantly wraps around me and he pulls me into his chest.

"Try to go back to sleep." he manage to say through his tiredness and peck the top of my head with his lips.

I tired to go to sleep for 30 minutes I swear but once I'm up, I'm up. So I pulled Ethan arm off of me and got out of bed and went into his bathroom to be welcome by the gremlin of my reflection. I quickly brushed all the tangles out of my hair and brushed my teeth and looked semi decent so I left to go downstairs to see if I can make Ethan some breakfast.

But it seems like somebody else had the same idea as me.

"Good morning Jamie." I tried my best to stay in a happy mood and not sound fake.

"What are you doing up this early." Jamie retorted back at me.

"I was going to make some breakfast."

"That's what I was doing too, I didn't think anybody would be awake by now."

"Are you kidding me I always wake up this early, I wish I could sleep In." I said making my way around the breakfast bar into the kitchen.

"Blake and Ethan always sleep in until noon and they leave me bored."

"Haha so what you making."

"Well Blake likes pancakes so I was going to make some."

"Mind if I help?"

"Yes please, Blake always laughs at me cause they are always burnt." Jamie said and it made me realize we made of gotten off on the wrong foot.

"Okay then but I'm not the best cool either." I lightly laughed.

"I'm sorry about how I've been lately, it was tots magoats uncalled for. I don't know why I did it to be honest."

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