Chapter 23

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YAAAAA, how is my sassy lovelies. I was at firefly and it was so fucking amazing never danced so much in my life ahhh. Random blabber from your writer but anyhoot, my story is settling down now and theres going to be mild drama but its still going to be fantabulous cause im writing of course jkjk why stop now. But I promise I will update more. Well enjoy lovelies.xoxo

"She said "hello mister, pleased to meet ya"

I wanna hold her, I wanna kiss her

She smelled of daisies, she smelled of daisies

She drive me crazy, she drive me crazy"-Big Jet Plane, Angus and Julia Stone (Acoustic version is my favorite)


"Omg, my little badass. What happened to the sweet, little, innocent, quite a pushover, Ciara." Tyler said while holding my hand and dragging me into the Ice cream shack we use to go to all the time when we were little.

"She's long gone, babe" I said giving him a flirty wink.

"Good, she was quite a bore for my taste."

"Hey, she was fun."

"Mhmm whatever you say. I wouldn't call staying at home and watching reruns of Friends 'fun'."

"The tv show Friends is a classic, who doesn't like that show." I said getting quite defensive which cause Tyler to put his hands up in surrender as we walked to our booth.

"I didn't not leave the campus for this." Tyler said before telling the waitress that he wanted a chocolate milkshake.

"You know you love me regardless, just admit it you love me." I said playing with the sugar packets at our booth while telling the waitress I want a strawberry milkshake.

"I kind of have too my dear, stuck with you this long so why quit now, I'm quite the team player." Tyler said to me while typing on his phone.

"Hey I'm not boring."

"Never said you were."

"You kind of implied it."

"Okay, CiCi. I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart. Your life is quite crazy right now. When I saw you last year, you were so lame. Always stayed in your room only talked to a few friends of yours. But now your the talk of the town and you should be flaunting it. Middle fingers in the air." Tyler said then gasping and said the word I was scared of for my life.

"Makeover,ahhhh" Tyler said before grabbing both my hands and telling the waitress we want ours to go.

"But Tyler I look fine" I said pointing at my moms outfit choice for me.

"I know you look fine now but my dear. I know your hella fine mom picked that out for you and that you tried to leave the hospital in one of your lame band tshirts."

"My chemical romance isn't lame." I said trying my best to defend my self before grabbing my strawberry milkshake and paying for both me and Tyler before he turned around to pay for us.

"They are a great band but you don't need to wear a shirt saying that" Tyler said while walking out of the shack with our milkshakes in his hand.

"But I'm a mcr fan so why not."

"Okay, Ciara. You wear that stuff at home but around people you flaunt yourself. With my help your going I be looking like a diva."

"But I don't want to act like one. Can I be myself or is being myself to overrated these days?"

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