The Story Goes On

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Hi everybody!

I'm sorry, this is not a new chapter. But. . .

If you are still not tired of my ramblings (which I find rather astounding, but at the same time, I really am very grateful to all of you still following my story!), there is a chance for you to continue reading about my (crazy) life. :) 

Yay! (hopefully ;) )

I've already started posting chapters for two new books (crazy, I know): One is called: 'On The Path' and is dedicated to stories that feature experiences I've had with Sri Chinmoy and the other disciples.

The other one, 'Spiritual Stories', is also about experiences, revelations and episodes concerning the spiritual life, but they are of a more general nature and some, like the first one, might even describe something that happened to people that I know.

All the stories are true and not fantasy. In cases where I base a story only loosely on the actual facts connected with it, I shall say so explicitly in the author's note.

Hope to see you there :)

Oh, but I beg you to be patient with me (patience, as we all know by now, is, after all, a spiritual virtue ;) ), as I won't be able to update too frequently, since I have not pre-written any of it. And as I don't want to annoy you with any half-thought out narratives containing tons of grammatical errors, I shall have to take my time.

And now. . . *insert drumroll*  I can finally push that 'finished' button!!

Hurrah!! *Lights fireworks* (Which form words. They spell: Love You All! :) )

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