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He who is contented is rich

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He who is contented is rich.

- Lao Tzu

"Air. . . can't breath. . ." I gasped, staring at Beni with wide eyes.

The shocked expression on his face mirrored what I was feeling. "Back inside?"

"Yes!" I was already halfway on my way through the sliding doors and past the seemingly endless stream of people heading towards us. Beni hot on my heels.

"Puh," I sighed with contentment, as soon as the relatively cool air hit my body. "What was that?"

Beni looked at me, equally puzzled. "I have to admit, I was not quite prepared for. . . this!" He shook his head in wonder.

"You know, when we disembarked from the plane, I thought that the airport was already rather warm. I should have been aware that it was actually air-conditioned," I groaned.

"What do you figure. . . let's give it another try?" Beni suggested after a moment, turning around to face the exit. Following his lead, I watched the automatic doors a few meters before us repeatedly open and close. Throngs of people were passing through, seemingly unaffected by the heat, which awaited them on the other side.

"Okay, let's go. And this time, we know what to expect. . ."

Drawing a deep breath for courage, we swiftly strode towards the doors. They obediently slid open, allowing us to leave the building.

"Woah!" I couldn't help exclaiming, as soon as I found myself outside once again. The heat greeting me had brought me to a sudden stop. It literally felt like I had run into a wall, the impact taking my breath away. Even though this was my second attempt at leaving the air-conditioned building.

And I had been prepared.

Or so I had thought.

I intuitively stepped aside, in order not to block the people walking through the door behind me. At the same time, I was careful not to leave the shade cast by the protruding roof of the airport hall. I cautiously inhaled, trying to adapt to the unfamiliar surroundings.

Strange. Somehow, the air appeared to be. . . thinner. . . lighter. . . than I was used to. Which had initially felt like I was not getting enough oxygen.

Beni, who had mimicked my actions, smiled at me. Sweat was already forming on his forhead. "That's really something, isn't it?" He beamed, clearly enjoying the new experience.

I nodded, amused by his contagious enthusiasm.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked. Growing bold I inhaled more deeply, enjoying the unfamiliar smells of the eastern country. I detected something sweet and at the same time light, but there was also a heavy undertone. With a hint of. . . sea. . . Intriguing!

"I guess we are looking for a bus to take us to the city."

"Right." I just hoped that the bus stop was fairly close. The simple act of standing in front of the airport doors with my huge backpack, was already tiring enough.

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