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(This is a smut chapter)

No ones P.O.V

Error was in Freshtale, walking to Fresh' house. The two had become good friends over the years they knew eachother. Though Fresh always flirted with Error and talked about taking their friendship to another level

Well Error was the literal definition of a tsundere. He really was just shy and didn't want to ruin things between him and Fresh. Error considered it but never had the courage to tell his colorful friend. Especially since he thought Fresh was always joking

Error knew about his friends problem. Fresh couldn't feel emotion. Lately though everyone has been saying Fresh has gained an understanding. Everyone keeps telling Error that Fresh actually can feel. But Error just feels scared that Fresh won't actually feel love.

Error hadn't talked to Fresh in a couple days and was walking to his house to see if he wanted to hang out...Fresh had been awfully silent lately. Which doesn't happen very often. Error walked up to the front door and knocked.

He waited a couple minutes and heard Fresh inside shuffling to the door. Fresh opened the door a crack and looked out at Error.

Error brightened seeing that his friend was okay. "Fresh? You've been here for a while now. Are you alright? Did you get sick?" Error was surprised by the own amount of care he had in his own voice

Fresh wasn't wearing his shades like usual and Error saw deep emotion in his eyes. Errors heart skipped a beat and a light blush tinted his cheeks. He always felt frozen when he saw Freshes eyes.

Fresh was breathing heavily and he looked a bit tired. Error couldn't help but notice a bit of a lust in his eyes. "I'm fine Error..I've just been busy..go back home okay?" Error felt a little hurt at the response. He tried to act tough but when Fresh had his gaze on him, Error felt helpless and weak.

"O-Oh come on! I'm your friend! Whatever it is y-you can t-tell me..-" Errors words were cut off when Fresh narrowed his eyes and opened the door more. Fresh took a step outside and towered above Error. All Error could focus on was the fact Fresh was wearing a button up top and it was completely unbuttoned...

All errors thoughts said wow he's so hot. Error couldn't help but daydream a bit in that moment. He was snapped back to reality when He heard fresh clear his throat. Error looked up at the taller skeleton. "O-Oh..." Error finally noticed it, Fresh was in heat. All skeletons got it at different times. Error usually hardly got it and it never was that bad.

But Fresh looked like he got it really really intense. Error stammered a bit "I-I should go now.." Error was about to turn away and go home when he felt himself behind pulled forward. Fresh shut the door and Error was slammed against it. It was dark inside and Error could dimly see fresh.

The taller Skelton had Error backed against the door and had him pinned there. He leaned in close to Errors neck. Error could only feel the hot breath of his "friend" on his neck. Freshes voice was deep as he spoke. "Y' would really mean a lot to me Error if you helped me with this "problem". "

Error shivered and couldn't help but blush when Fresh said his name. He trembled under the Tall skeletons touch. Error felt fresh nip at his neck, and Freshes hand start to travel down to Errors pants...

Error let out a tiny moan. "F-Fresh..."
Fresh chuckled deeply at Errors dreamy and high pitched tone. He sucked on the sensitive spots on Errors neck and brought his hand over Errors (DICK) genitals. Error let out a shaky breath. He felt Fresh go pull down Errors sweater, and start biting lower on his collar bone.

Error was a hot mess. He couldn't handle much more of this. He then felt Fresh wrap his arms around Errors waist and lift him up. Fresh carried Error to his room and roughly tosses him down on the bed. Fresh pinned Error down and immediately went down to kiss him.

Error tried to get Fresh off at first, but the smaller skeleton was dazed and easily overpowered. He went along with the kiss and felt his checks heat up. Fresh pulled Errors pants down and pulled back from the kiss, as he started to pull down his own pants.

Error laid there flustered and confused. His face blushed madly as he saw Freshes.....huge. Huge I mean huge genitals.

Fresh positioned himself at Errors entrance. Error tried pushing fresh off a bit. "W-Wait!" Fresh went down and nipped at Errors neck again. Error felt his arms being pinned down together over his head against the bed frame. "A-Ah~ F-Fresh!" Error bucked his hips. Any resistance that was there was quickly gone.

Errors entire body felt hot and needy. Fresh and Error both had lust in their eyes and Fresh slammed into Error. Error cried out a bit with pain but as Fresh kept thrusting, it soon turned to pleasure. Fresh moaned deeply and quickened. Error cried out Freshes name in pleasure. "F-Fresh!! A-Ah!"

Error felt overwhelmed with pleasure. He moaned and soon came. After a while Fresh did as well. He pulled out of Error and laid down beside him. He pulled Error into a snuggle and pulled the sheets over them. They both soon fell asleep in each other's arms

(.....I'm actually kinda proud of this chapter)

Edit: this is one of the old chapters I had previously made, if you would like any more chapters of the same ship that is allowed!!

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