InkXError (Dom Ink)

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3rd person P.O.V(smut)

It was after their fifth date in Outertale, that Ink decided he wanted to take things with Error a step further. The glitchy skeleton was just impossibly adorable to him, and Ink had to stop himself many times from pouncing on him. Of course, he knew how timid Error could be, so he wouldn't force him into anything he didn't want. Probably just do a lot of......convincing, in a different type of way.

Error and Ink arrived in the Anti-void, just coming back from the calm and starry au that Error loved so much(though, he would never admit he actually liked an au). They stepped into the house Ink had created when he discovered all the things he could make with his paintbrush. It used to be nearly filled to the brim with small creations and projects Ink had forgotten about, until Error came along and trashed most of the junk. Ink had to admit, it looked a lot better now that it was inhabitable again.

Ink smiled and turned around. "Hey, Error." The skeleton looked over, and Ink leaned in, giving Error a small kiss. The glitched skeleton flinched back, his face flushing with bright yellow. "Wh-what the heck Ink? Don't just do that out of nowhere." Error was flustered, but not glitching out, which was a good sign for Ink. He grabbed both of Error's hands in his and smiled. He decided to be direct and hope for the best. "Error, do you wanna do 'it'?"

Now this, did make Error glitch up. "Huh?! You mean 'it' like, 'it', 'it'?! Isn't that a bit.." His eyes showed surprise, but he didn't seem to be uncomfortable with the idea. Ink's eyes were gentle as he tried to speak reassuringly to Error. "I'm sure you'll like it once we try it Error! And don't worry, we can always stop if you don't. I promise."

Error thought for a moment, his face heating up. It didn't take very long for him to make up his mind. "Alright.." Ink's face lit up and he grinned. He couldn't help himself, and leaned forward, cupping Error's face with his hands and kissing him. It was different from their usual kisses, which never lasted too long. Instead, this one was much longer, and Ink pushed his tongue into Error's mouth, pushing against the other's tongue. Error let out a tiny muffled noise at this, and clutched at Ink's sleeve.

After another few moments, Ink pulled away, leaving both of them panting. He put an arm around Error, pulling him close as he teleported into the bedroom on the bed, with Error beneath him. Ink tugged at Error's scarf, pulling it away and leaving kisses on his neck and collarbone. He slid a hand up the other Skeleton's shirt, trailing his fingers across his ribcage and down to his pants. Error let out a shaky breath, clutching the bed sheets as Ink sucked and bit sensitive spots on his neck. He pulled down Error's pants, his already erect member coming out.

Error, embarrassed, put his arm over his face to cover his increasing blush. Ink grinned at that, moving down and grabbing Error's member with one hand, slowly moving up and down. Error flinched, a low moan coming out from his mouth as he gripped the sheets tighter. Ink continued stroking Error's member, and with the other hand dragging his fingers across his ribcage, which seemed to be very sensitive to Error. Ink started moving his hand faster up and down, and Error's moans grew louder. "A-Ah! Ink!" His hips bucked as he felt himself grow closer to climax, his member dripping with precum. Just as he was on the verge of it, Ink had pulled his hands away, making Error whine at the loss of contact.

He moved his arm down, peeking out at Ink, who was pulling his own pants down and pulling out his large member. Error suddenly grew nervous, not expecting the size to be that big. Ink leaned forward, kissing Error's cheek and positioning himself. "I'm gonna put it in, okay?" Error nodded, taking a deep breath as Ink slowly pushed into him. He let out a sharp gasp at the sudden pain and discomfort he felt as the other slid his entire length into Error. Ink waited a minuted to let Error adjust, as his own face was heating up at the feeling of pleasure.

Slowly, Ink started moving, grabbing Error's member and rubbing it in time with with thrusts. Error let out small whimpers, trying to relax himself as the pain started to subside, but the foreign feeling still left him uncomfortable. After a while, Ink started to speed up, moving deeper into Error and hitting his G spot. Error's face turned bright yellow, and suddenly a tingly warmth started to spread through his lower area, amplified every time Ink hit the spot. Both of them were moaning, with Error becoming louder and glitching out just a bit.

As the pleasure grew and the discomfort went away for Error, Ink went much harder with his thrusts, slamming himself deep into him, and still pumping Error's member. He could already feel himself getting closer to climax, and Error was clearly at his limit. Ink let out a loud groan, panting as he gripped Error tightly. "Ngh..Error..I'm gonna-"

He was cut off as Error let out a loud moan and bucked his hips into Ink, immediately making the both of them climax. After a moment of them catching their breath, Ink pulled himself out, making Error shudder and twitch. He plopped down on top of Error and wrapped his arms around the smaller skeleton, still panting. "You okay, Error?"

The skeleton nodded, his face still blushing. "We should probably clean up."

"Yeah...but let's just wait a moment like this" Ink hugged Error tighter, who eventually gave in and snuggled himself against Ink.

The next morning for them would consist of a very giddy Ink, and a grump Error with back pains.


This is my first smut in a while, idk if you can tell👀

Sorry about there being only one chapter today, it was a lot more time consuming than I thought.

I should have the Errorfresh chapter out tomorrow if everything goes good, and mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe a second prompt.

~Author Chan, out

(P.S, y'all should listen to Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles, it's beautiful)

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