Naj!Palette X Reader Part 1

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Third Person P.O.V

(Y/N) ran through the school doors, sweat running down her face and her hair a mess. The hallway was already starting to clear out as the students grabbed their books and pencils for class. (Y/N) let out a small noise of relief and rushed to her locker. I still have time! thank goodness I wasn't as late as I-

Her thoughts were interrupted as she slammed right into another student. She stumbled back, putting a hand to her forehead, which had painfully collided with the other's. As (Y/N)'s vision adjusted, her face grew heated as she could make out the jumbled figure of someone on the ground, a mess of papers and books strewn around them. "O-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!!" Before she could make a move to help the fallen monster, a loud voice boomed from the end of the hallway. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

(Y/N) looked up in bewilderment to see Paperjam, the school's most popular jock running down the hallway. His eyes were focused on the monster on the ground and he ran to them. (Y/N)'s haze fell to the ground to look at Fresh, who was desperately searching the ground for his glasses, and her eyes widened in horror. It was common knowledge to never get on PJ's bad side. And the one way ticket to that was messing with Fresh, the skeleton who was know on the ground because of her. She looked back up as Paperjam, her legs feeling like Jelly. (Y/N) silently begged for one of the many students watching to help.

Pj towered over her, cracking his knuckles as he glared down at her. "If you think just cause your a girl, that I won't beat the crap out of you, you're dead wrong." His voice was laced with venom, and he grabbed the collar of (Y/N)'s shirt and raised a drawn back fist. Fresh, who finally put on his glasses, looked up in shock. "Pj don't! It was just an accident!" However, his words seemed to go unheard, and (Y/N) shut her eyes, her heart thumping in her chest as she envisioned herself leaving in a stretcher.

But when the blow didn't come...she opened her eyes to see a hand grabbing tightly onto Paperjam's wrist. A skeleton with bright green and yellow eyes stared disapprovingly as Paperjam, who retracted his fist and let go of (Y/N) to face the new skeleton. Fresh had finally collected his things and stood, and the other students slowly began to disperse after Pj's wrath was stopped. He glared at the skeleton, fists still clenched. The skeleton looked back up, a grin now on his face. "Pj pj pj, fighting on school grounds into allowed you know! How will you watch out for Fresh if you keep getting suspended?"

Paperjam opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again. His angry gaze looked back over at (Y/N) as if deciding whether or not to finish what he started. As for (Y/N), she was still shaking like a leaf, clutching on tightly to the strap of her backpack. Fresh stepped forward and put a hand on Paperjam's shoulder, his face soothing. "Please Pj, it was just an accident." A few moments went by and Pj scoffed, turning to put a arm around Fresh. "Whatever." He looked one last time at (Y/N). "Do that again, and I'll beat you to a pulp." She gulped, watching him go off with Fresh.

The skeleton who had intervened walked in front of her. "Hey! Are you alright?" He smiled at her with concern showing in his starry shaped eyes. (Y/N) couldn't help but slightly blush while looking into his eyes. She gave him a tiny nod. His grin widened. "I'm Palette by the way! What's your name?" She looked down. "(Y/N)..."

Palette's smile turned gentle, and he took one of her hands in his. "About what just happened, don't worry about it okay? It's not your fault, Pj just likes being a big brute." (Y/N)'s face flushed as she kept her eyes glued to her feet. "U-Um okay. Th-thanks by the way..." Before Palette could respond, the bell rang throughout the halls and startled them both. "Oh shoot! I completely lost track of time!" Palette facepalmed and let go of (Y/N)'s hand. He gave her a small wave. "See ya around (Y/N)!!" And with that he dashed away, leaving her standing in the now empty hallway in awe.

(Y/N) watched him go off, no longer concerned with being late or not. She tucked a couple strands of loose hair behind her ear, her face still a bright shade of pink, and her heart still pounding. "See you.."


This was super fun to write!! My apologies for the wait- I got distracted by some early school stuff! But I promise my updates will be out when I say they will this time! This chapter was requested by @HowToBeWeeaboo101 . I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll have part two out soon!

                                                     ~Author Chan

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