Naj PaperjamXFresh

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Fresh's P.O.V

Fresh walked out of the high school as the final bell rang and his peers started pouring out. As he began to walk farther away from the school he sighed in relief. Today had been a good day for him considering all the possibilities of him getting beaten up again.

He finally made it to his neighborhood. "I'm guess I'm in the clear for today...heh.." He smiled to himself, but his smile fell and he quickly froze immediately when he heard a deep voice behind him.

"Talking to yourself nerd?" Fresh slowly turned around to see three monsters glaring down at him. His mouth went dry and he trembler slightly. No fair. I thought I got away this time! One of the monsters shoved Fresh. "Aw look at you. Trembling like a little pansy." The monsters chuckled as Fresh stumbled back, but didn't fall.

The tallest of the three monsters stepped foward and leaned down towards Fresh. "I got an F on my test because of you nerd." He grabbed Fresh by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up until Fresh's feet started coming off the ground.

Fresh was now shaking, but narrowed his eyes and gave a glare. "I wasn't going to let you copy off me you cheater!!" Fresh fell back suddenly as the monster let go of him. "Fucking nerds like you should learn your place." Fresh seethed in pain when the monster kicked him in the shoulder. Fresh's elbows scraped against the hard ground, he whimpered from the stinging pain.

The monster yanked Fresh back up once more. "Don't just sit there. It makes you look more pathetic than you already are." The other monsters laughed and Fresh flinched as the sudden noise. The monster balled his hand in a fist and raised his arm. He pulled his arm back and grabbed Fresh by the shoulder.

Fresh put his hands up to block his face as he prepared to be hit. In the distance he could hear heavy thumping on the ground, but he couldn't focus. He closed his eyes and flinched as the monsters fist came closer to Fresh's face.

Fresh was suddenly grabbed and pulled back. He opened his eyes and looked in shock as he saw Paperjam in front of him. Fresh's eyes trailed up and he saw that PJ had caught the monsters fist in his hand. The surprise and fear on the monsters face was enough to reassure Fresh.

PJ yanked the monster foward and in a flash he had he tall monster on the ground with his arm behind his back. The monsters friends stood there staring as their friend struggled in pain. Paperjam gave a cold death glare, and it was enough to send the monsters friends running. PJ let go of the monster and kicked him in the face.

The monster fell to the ground holding his nose in pain. He shouted profanities and stood up slowly. Blood was on his hand, coming from his broken nose. Paperjam smirked. "Why dont you go run off with your pansy friends before I change my mind about letting you go."

The monster grumbled something under his breath before turning and running off, still holding his nose in pain. Fresh stepped back when PJ turned to look at him. "Are you okay?"  Fresh looked down and nodded. So many thoughts raced through his mind. Why did you defend me? Those kids might tell everyone you protected a...nerd.

Paperjam took a step towards Fresh. "Hey uh...if those jerks ever give you any trouble again just tell me and I'll take care of em alright?" Fresh looked at him in surprise. ",..o-okay...thank you..." Fresh looked back down and his cheeks flushed. "I-I should be going now..."

Fresh glanced back up and his eyes widened when PJ gave him a smile. "Well, I'll see ya later Nerd." Fresh smiled back shyly and gave a small wave as he turned and scurried away. Once he got home he shut the door behind him and slowly slid down to the floor. He covered his face with him hands and blushed. Why him of all people?


I had so much fun writing this chapter!!!

I might write a part two for this if I have time in the future! Expect more chapters soon!

Till next time!

                              ~Author Chan

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