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No ones P.O.V

Error let out a heavy sigh as he leaned against a tree in Snowdin. He felt tired from jumping from AU to AU, him and Ink checking for any disturbances after hearing a threat from Nightmare and his lackeys.

He heard Ink clear his throat beside him. Error turned his head and let out a groan. "Can't we just call it a day and go home? It was just an empty threat, and im tired." Error put a arm around Ink and rested his head on he smaller skeletons shoulder. Ink smiled slightly. "Alright Error, we'll go home for now, but that means no slacking tomorrow when he finish!"

"Yeah yeah whatever ya say Inky." Error mumbled sluggishly. They opened a portal to their home and Error immediately stepped through, relieved to be back after spending the day on a wild goose chase. He turned back to Ink when he heard the portal being closed. He wrapped his arms around the small skeletons waist and kissed his neck. "So, do I get a reward for my hard work today?"

Ink flushed and laughed, he playfully gave Error a push. "I thought you were tired. If not we can always go back and check the rest of the AUs-" Error put his hands up in surrender. "Nope. Nevermind." He faked a loud yawn. "I'm Really really tired!" Ink chuckled and leaned against the taller skeleton.

Ink let out a squeal of surprise as Error suddenly teleported them to the couch. Error held Ink against him as he laid down. Ink smiled and put his head in the crook of Errors neck, cuddling into the warmth of the taller skeleton.

Inks eyes widened when he suddenly felt a hand grab his butt. His face flushed deeply and he sat up and slapped at Errors hand. "Hey!! No Touchy!!"

Error laughed and pulled Ink back down beside him. "You're adorable when you're flustered Inky~" Ink gave him a glare, but smiled a bit soon after and put his head against Errors chest to hide his smile. "You're a jerk."

Error chuckled and closed his eyes as he felt Ink cuddle into him. "Well, I'm you're jerk."


This was fun to write! I hope you enjoyed it!

Sorry it was a bit short, me and Author Chan got caught up in unexpected business, but chapters in the future will be longer!

~Author Kun

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