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No ones P.O.V

Nightmare glared at dream, looking agitated as his brother had his arm around Ink. Ink thought it would be a good idea to bring other sans to Classic Toriels small gathering. Nightmare could see Fell in a corner of the room, looking tired as Blue seemed to chat on for ages.

Ink and Dream looked up as Nightmare walked over to them. "Dream let's go, this is boring." Dream sighed at his brothers impatience. "Brother we just got here ten minutes ago. It would be rude to leave now. Just wait a little longer okay?" Nightmare huffed and stormed off out of the room, walking past Reaper who was talking with Cross.

Ink watched him walk away, a worried expression on his face. Dream glanced up at him. "What's wrong?" Ink looked away. "Nightmare seemed so angry. Actually I don't know why I feel surprised. He's always angry. I feel like it's whenever I show up. I've never seen him smile unless he's laughing at someone else getting hurt."

Dream chuckled. "He acts like he hates everyone, don't worry about it Ink. I'll go talk to him, he ruined the mood a bit huh?" Ink tilted his head and let out another small sigh as he smiled. "Heh he's practically the part pooper all the time at this point. I'll try to find him this time Dream, you shouldn't have to deal with Nightmare yourself every time he does something like this."

Dream smiled warmly. "Thank you, Ink. I appreciate it so much." Ink nodded then turned and walked out of the room, trying to guess where Nightmare could have gone. Becoming distracted while he walked, he felt himself bump into someone. He stepped back and turned to look up at them. "Oh! Hey Error! I didn't think you would come. Have you seen Nightmare?"

Error looked down at Ink. Still glitching slightly from when they bumped into eachother. "I was just talking to him. He's outside" Ink felt a little off. There's something you aren't mentioning Error. I've known you long enough to tell when you know something I don't. Ink smiled. "Thank you Error. I'll come to the void later to watch more Undernovela with you!" He waved and walked past Error.

He hummed a bit and opened the door leading outside. He stepped out and gazed around. "Nightmare?" He walked out more, hoping to find the skeleton soon. He froze. He felt a aura behind him. He turned to look at Nightmare and laughed nervously. "You scared me there Nightmare."

Nightmare looked down at the smaller skeleton, slight surprise in his eyes. "What are you doing here" Ink titled his head. "Sorry if you were expecting Dream. Nightmare something seems more off about you today...I know I'm not your brother but if there's something wrong you can talk to me" Ink put on a smile and put a hand on Nightmares shoulder.

Nightmare glanced down at him before looked forward away from Ink. "What makes you think I would've even told Dream." Ink looked at him, "Well, I know you told Error. So it's obviously something you tell people you trust. You trust Dream don't you?" Nightmare didn't look at him.

Ink looked at him surprised. "Nightmare?" The taller Skelton turned away. "Tch. You should keep out of other people's business for once Ink." Ink stood there shocked, before his stare turned to a glare. "I'm just trying to help, what's your problem? Why do you always push people away when they want to help you?! Is that why you trust Error so much? You know he wouldn't care enough!!"

Nightmare turned back and gave Ink a glare that sent chills down the small skeletons spine. "You really want to know Ink? You want to control me that much like always?" Ink stepped back. "What?"

Nightmare grabbed Inks arm and stepped closer to the skeleton. "I can't stand when you're around Dream. It pisses me off Ink. It pisses me off how close you too always are."

Inks eyes widened. He looked down. "What, are you jealous or something Nightmare?" He glanced back up at him as the taller skeleton responded. "What If I was?" His grip on Inks arm tightened. Ink looked at him stunned as Nightmare went on. "Because I am. I'm jealous Ink. I don't care if it makes me selfish, but I hate whenever you're around Dream. I want you to be mine Ink, not anyone else"

They both stood there in silence. Ink stuttered. "N-Nightmare....why couldn't you.....why didn't you just tell me?" Nightmare gritted his teeth and looked away. "You're always around Dream. How could I of told you?" Ink leaned his head against Nightmares chest. "I would've always been there. And I still will be. I'm sorry you couldn't tell me before Nightmare. But what would this make us?"

Nightmare looked back down at him. "I don't care right now what we are. Just don't leave yet. Please, just stay with me." Ink took ahold of Nightmares hand, linking them together. He gazed up at Nightmare before closing the gap between them with a small kiss. "Don't worry Nightmare, I'm not going anywhere."


I didn't ship this before I wrote this chapter. But now I do.


Sorry this is a bit long and takes a while to really get to the shippy part! I'll definitely try to make more chapters of this ship.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

-Author Kun

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