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(I don't know too much about Palette so I'm sorry if it's weird ;-; Make sure to read the end note)

3rd person P.O.V (fluff)

Paperjam first met Palette at a 'party', he was attending with Fresh. The bright skeleton caught his eye, and pj had been watching him all night. It was Palette's energy that had originally interested him, and the way the small skeleton made his presence very known in a room full of monsters.

Pj never really cared for hangouts in other AUs and often left during the first half hour or so. Socializing just wasn't his forte...and his gloomy demeanor didn't help either. He could talk and get along with people just fine, however, too many at once was just excessive.

It was nearing ten minutes, and Paperjam was already making his way to the door, when the small colorful skeleton bursted his way into the room, carrying a crate of drinks, and making pj stop dead in his tracks. Another skeleton behind him struggled to catch up, also holding onto a crate. "Palette slow down before you fall again!" Palette. The name did ring a bell to him. Another one of Ink's rejects. He grimaced as the pair walked past him, Palette chattering happily to anyone around him. "Hey! Hello! How are ya?" Despite Paperjam's unease, the room seemed to lighten up a bit in Palettes presence as his smile spread to everyone in the room.

Pj should've left then, but his curiosity got the best of him. His eyes trailed after Palette, watching him making rounds around the room, talking and laughing with everyone. Pj eventually spaced out a bit, and a while had passed before a group of monsters decided to play some party games, Palette included. As a few them asked some others if they wanted to join, Paperjam felt a tug on his sleeve. Startled, he tensed up, turning around quickly to see Palette in front of him. The Skeleton's starry eyes gazed into Pj's, a large grin over his face. "Hi! A group of my friends over there are starting some games! You wanna join us?"

Paperjam knew it wasn't anything special, just an invitation that had probably been repeated to other people, but for some reason he felt his soul skip a beat. He struggled to get his words out, his voice a little quiet. "Oh, er....sure."
Palette did a little hop, his smile widening. "Yay! Come on!" He grabbed Pj's hand, gripping it tightly as he sped to the other side of the room with his friends. Pj stumbled a bit, looking down at their hands together, and not really minding the contact. "Hey guys! Paperjam said he'll join us!"

He knows my name? Pj was caught off guard as to how Palette already knew him. He was sure he's never met him before. He dismissed it, sitting down next to Palette, who was still holding his hand. The game started and eventually the other skeleton let go, making Pj just a little disappointed.
An hour had gone by with the group, and they had stopped with the games and just started talking. A couple of monsters had started asking Paperjam some questions and talking with him. Meanwhile, Palette was chatting with some other monsters in the group. Pj eventually got tired of it, excusing himself as he stood up. He exited the room, stepping into the outside. He sat down on the steps of the porch, taking a deep breath as the light wind blew on his face. It was dark and quiet, which calmed Pj down and made him smile a bit. He knew it was rude to leave so suddenly, but since when did he care about manners?

A few minutes went by before Paperjam heard a creaking behind him, and light spilling out from the house. It went dark again as the door shut, and pj turned his head to look as Palette stepped towards him. "Hey, are you okay? You didn't look too good when you left." Pj felt frustrated at first that his quiet time was already over, but hearing the genuine concern in Palettes voice quickly diminished that irritation. He turned his head, looking straight forward again at the scenery. "I'm fine. It's just the noise got a little too much.."

He heard Palette take a few steps forward, them sit down next to Paperjam, looking out at everything as well. "I understand that. It is annoying after a while."
Pj couldn't help himself from looking over at him, very clearly surprised. "Really? You were the life of the party in there. I thought you loved that kinda stuff."

Palette laughed a bit, a small smile coming back to his face. "Well, you are right about that. I do love being around people a lot. But, sometimes it's nice just to have some time for myself too." He paused for a second, before an embarrassed look flashed across his face. "Ah shoot, and I probably ruined your alone time didn't I? I'm really sorry! I should go" he started to stand up, when he felt Pj grab onto his hand. Palette looked over at him in confusion.

Paperjam looked away, a bit surprised at himself, and a light blush crossing his cheeks. "It's fine! I like being with you..". A moment of silence passed between them, and Palette sat back down, looking a bit flustered as well. Pj started to loosen his grip, which made Palette squeeze his hand tighter, not wanting to let go. Paperjam, still blushing, was finally able to get some words out, asking something that had been on his mind. "By the way...earlier you knew my name, but I don't think we've met before?"

Palette smiled sheepishly, looking down. "Oh, well you're right about that, but I have seen you a lot before. I just didn't really have the guts to approach you yet. I had heard a lot about you from Fresh and Dream."
Pj registered this, wondering how many times he's been around Palette without even noticing him. His thoughts were cut off as he felt Palette move closer to him, and lean his head again Pj's shoulder. "You know, you're actually a lot nicer than what they said. I like being around you too, Pj."

Paperjam's soul immediately felt warm, and his flushed face showed contentment. He let go of Palettes hand, instead wrapping his arm around him in a half hug, leaning into him. They say together in peace, watching the night sky and talking while the party went on inside.


Not too happy with how this turned out but it was fun anyways!

I was debating on what version of Paperjam to use, since it turns out his personality changes a lot in some versions, but I hope this one was good. I know Palettes probably wonky though 😔

For the next updates, I'm just going to be going down the comments like a list. Tomorrow I'll try to have two chapters out, and if not then I'll work on making the one chapter long like this one.

~Author Chan, out!

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