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Third person P.O.V

It was a Friday night, Frisk, Chara, and Flowey had dedicated each Friday to movie marathons. Tonight, they had all decided on a trilogy of slasher horror movies. The lights were dimmed, snacks piled on the small coffee table in front of them, and packs of sodas and juices spread around the ground.

Chara sat in front of the table, leaning against the couch with Flowey right above next to her. They were just waiting on Frisk now, who was changing into their pjs. Chara reaches forward to grab some popcorn sitting in a bowl on the table, but stopped at the sound of three heavy knocks. Flowey's petals swayed slightly as he turned to look at the front door. "Eh! What kind of moron goes knocking on someone's door this late? Probably some creep."

Chara let out a small snicker. "We haven't even started watching the movie yet and you're paranoid Asriel?" She brushed a few strands of hair from her face and stood up, ignoring Flowey's pouting face. Her bare feet shuffled across the floor and she grabbed the handle.

She let the door open wide, and her eyes went down to look at the grinning skeleton on her doorstep. Chara blinked, then shut the door quickly. Just then Frisk walked down the stairs, their face bright. "Chara! Was that Sans? Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I invited him over for movie night!" They gave her an apologetic smile, seeing Chara's displeased expression. "I am not letting him- of all people and monsters- into our safe space."

Frisk stepped in front of Chara opening their big, bright blue eyes. "Pleeeaaase? Just this once Chara?" Chara looked into the giant sparkly puppy eyes Frisk was giving her, and let out an annoyed sigh. She stepped away from the door, crossing her arms. Frisk smiled, their eyes closing as they stepped to the door and swung it open. Frisk stepped forward and embraced the still grinning Skelton. "Sans! Sorry to leave you waiting!" The Skelton gave them a small pat on the head and winked. "Snow problem, (If you don't get the joke I- ). Lucky I got my jacket so I wouldn't be chilled to the bone." Chara rolled her eyes. "You can't get cold, you don't even have skin!"

Sans stepped inside, and Chara took a large step back, making it obvious he wouldn't be welcomed by her. Frisk shut the door gently behind him, and motioned for Sans to come into the living room. "We were just about to start! I'll go get you some ketchup from the kitchen!" As Frisk walked off, Chara leaned close to Sans, glaring at him with her bright red eyes. "I'm watching you comedian. If you try anything, I swear that I'll-"

Chara was cut off as Sans threw his jacket over her head. "Yeah yeah the usual threat, I know." He walked past her to the living room, Flowey giving him a dirty stare as he sat down on the couch. "Sup."
Chara pulled the blue jacket off her head, her hair falling in front of her face. Her expression was a bitter scowl, and she stomped over and slid down next to Flowey. Frisk reentered the room, holding two condiment bottles of ketchup. "Alright, who's ready for movie night!" The response was just a low grumbling from Chara and Flowey, and a thumbs up from Sans.

Two hours later...

Chara let out a high pitched shriek as blood spattered on the camera in the movie, covering the screen with the thick red substance. Sans let out a loud laugh at the sight of Chara squeezing her eyes shut and clutching onto a pillow tightly. Frisk chuckled as well, taking a bite of some more popcorn as the movie continued. "Come on Chara, we all saw that coming." Flower, who was now situated on the side table next to her, gave Chara a mocking grin. "Who's the scaredy-cat now huh?" Her teeth clenched and her face turned a bright shade of pink. Ugh...embarrassing.....

Frisk stood up, stretching and letting out a yawn. "I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick. Hey flowey, you want me to get you some water?" Flower immediately perked up. "Take me with you!" Chara couldn't help but smirk a little. It was typical of Flowey- or Asriel- to get and spend as much time with Frisk alone as possible. It was cute, but weird considering he was still a flower. Frisk didn't mind though.

AU Sans One shots!Where stories live. Discover now