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Ink and Lust had only been dating for six months now, but it felt like they'd been together for a lifetime already. When they first met, Ink couldn't help but be interested in Lust. Well, he was interested in every new monster he met, but with Lust it felt much more different. On the outside, he played his sexual persona very well, and seemed to make true of the very inappropriate labels given to him. However, Ink knew a different side to him. The Lust he knew was incredibly smart and considerate, and cared much more about the names than others thought.

When Ink had first started to pursue Lust, he went along with it thinking he just wanted sex like so many others. But Ink refused, saying he'd rather wait until Lust liked him back before doing anything to him. It had confused the purple skeleton, but he agreed, deciding to see where the relationship would go. During the first couple months, Ink took him everywhere across the multiverse, showing him all different kinds of sights and new people. Ink made Lust feel important and special. He had finally found someone who saw him as a person. It was after a trip to haventale, that they had made love for the first time.

Ever since then, their relationship was practically perfect. They had decided only to tell Lust's brother Papyrus, who was very accepting of it. Ink would frequently sneak over to Underlust to wait for Lust to get home so they could spend time together. Ink could tell that the purple skeleton had some bad days, as he would come home exhausted and upset. But today, it was much different, as Lust came into his room holding back tears and looking afraid.

Ink was sitting on Lust's bed and looked up with a smile when he heard the door open, only for it to disappear quickly when he saw Lust's face. He immediately got up, rushing over to him. "Lust? What's wrong??" The other skeleton didn't reply, he just wrapped his arms around Ink, hugging him tightly as he trembled. Ink hugged him back, looking down at him with worried eyes. "Did something happen? You've never come back like this."

Lust sniffled, burying his face into Ink's chest. "Someone almost found out. They almost found out about us and I didn't know what to do or say and I just made it worse!" He gripped onto Ink tightly, shaking as he tried his best to not to cry. Ink tried to speak reassuringly, nuzzling his head against Lust to calm him down. "It's okay, Lust. It's not your fault, you're okay. Besides, even if people find out, you know I'll always be with you. I won't let anyone hurt you." Lust suddenly let out a sob, surprising Ink. "It's not me I'm worried about, it's you Ink! I don't want your reputation to be ruined because you're with someone like me! I'm just filthy and worthless and I don't want people to look at you the same way they look at me! I'm just a dirty sl*t to them-"

Ink cupped Lust's face with his hands, tilting it up and kissing him. Lust, shocked, stopped crying as Ink held onto him and kissed him. Ink stopped and looked at Lust, his voice firm. "It doesn't matter what they think, and I don't care if they end up hating me. You're what's important to me, and you're smart and kind and an amazing person, Lust. Their words don't define you, only you do."

Lust stared at him for a moment, surprised. Then he grabbed Ink by his scarf to pull him down and kiss him. He put his arms around Ink's neck, who put his hands on Lust's waist, kissing him back. Their tongues pushed against each other, making Lust moan into the kiss. He pulled away after a while and grabbed Ink's hand, pulling him to the bed. Ink blushed, knowing what was gonna happen. "Are you sure you're okay to do this now-" He was cut off as Lust put his hands on Ink's shoulders, pushing him to the bed, a grin on his face. He seemed to have already recovered from his stress. "I can do it anytime if it's with you, Inky." He leaned down to kiss him again, moving so he was straddling Ink, grinding against him. Ink's hands went up Lust's shirt and rubbed his ribs, moving his fingers along the curves and edges.

Lust moaned and pulled back from the kiss, sitting up on Ink. He rolled his hips, feeling Ink harden beneath him as their lower bottoms rubbed against each other. Lust easily slid his pants off, then shifted to his knees to pull down Ink's. "Hey Inky, why don't we try a new position like this~?" Ink's rainbow blush came back onto his face, and he gripped Lust's hips, smirking. "You sure you can handle that?" Lust grabbed Ink's member and positioned himself over him. "You'll find out~"

He slowly moved down onto Ink's member, moaning as it pushed into him. Ink grunted, his hold on Lust's hips tighter at the sensation. Lust began moving, not needing time to adjust, and raised his hips up and down, slamming onto Ink's member. The feeling of having the full length inside him, rubbing against all the sensitive spots made his toes curl, and he let out a loud moan. Ink moved a hand and grabbed Lust's member, stroking him as he moved up and down rhythmically. "Ngh~ Ink~" Lust's face was completely flushed and his eyes filled with pleasure. He slowed down his movements almost in a teasing way as he slid up and down, grinding his hips. Ink grit his teeth as he moaned, wanting more friction on his throbbing member.

Ink suddenly thrust his hips up into Lust, making the other skeleton gasp and moan loudly. While gripping Lust's hip in one hand and his member in the other, he started thrusting quick and hard into him. He could feel himself getting closer, and could tell Lust was on his edge too. Lust started to lose focus as Ink kept slamming into him, letting out moans every time his member would reach that one spot inside of him, inciting immense pleasure. "Ah! F-F*ck!" Lust's back arched as he felt Ink come inside of him, and as a result came as well, the white substance shooting out on Ink's shirt. The both of them panted, and Lust moved up, shuddering as Ink's member slid out of him, slick with cum.

Lust, still panting, leaned down, kissing Ink deeply. Ink grabbed Lust's hand, intertwining their fingers as they kissed. After another moment, they pulled away, Lust grinning at Ink. "I love you, Inky." Ink felt a smile come to his face as he propped himself up on his elbows, leaning forward and kissing Lust on the cheek. "I love you too."


Helloooo sorry if the transition to the sex scene was bad, I was completely lost on how to do it 😶

Btw, I'd really like some constructive criticism on my writing plz🥺 Smut is always hard for me to write cause I get the worst writers block on it. Im trying to be able to make every smut chapter different from the last so it stays interesting, but I can't tell if it's actually turning out good or not. I know not a lot of people read this book, but I'd really love to hear any tips or comments about it so I can do better for you guys.

Author Chan, out

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