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"Error hold on a minute!" Ink stumbled across the rough wooden floors as Error dragged him by the hand, leading him to the bathroom. Error shut the door behind them and backed Ink up against the wall, not bothering to lock the door.

It was a couple hours earlier when the two of them decided to come to underswap to visit swap sans, and coincidentally Dream was there as well. Error didn't necessarily have a problem with Dream, he just thought he talks too much. So Error could feel his patience running thin when the small skeleton kept going on and on for hours jabbering away. And Ink, who never got tired of his friend, kept inciting even more conversation. It only stopped once Blue called Dream into the kitchen to help him with the cooking. Once he was gone, that was when Error had quickly dragged Ink away.

So here they were in the bathroom, Error pulling Ink's shirt off and Ink trying to remain calm while being super flustered. "Error why are you doing this?! Can't you wait until we leave!" Error leaned down close to Ink, moving his hand down to the smaller skeleton's pants. "Nah, I think I need to relieve a little stress right now~. Hope you can keep quiet enough, Inky." Ink jerked as he felt Error rub his member, putting a hand over his mouth to cover his moan. Dammit, Error! I'm really going to kill you when this is over!

Error moved his head down, nipping and licking Ink's neck while one hand was in his pants, and the other moving along his ribcage, trailing his fingers along the intricate tattoo patterns Ink has. Ink let out a deep breath, shutting his eyes as he focused on staying quiet. Suddenly, Error's hands went under Ink's legs, lifting him up. Ink grabbed Error so he wouldn't fall, wrapping his legs around him tight. "Error!!"

"Relax Inky, I wouldn't let you fall." He moved his hands away, using his magic to keep Ink's legs up as he moved his own pants down. Ink, feeling exposed with his pants already thrown on the floor, looked away, his face covered in rainbow blush. Error moved against Ink, putting their members together and rubbing them. Ink curled his toes, letting out a loud moan, and covering his mouth too late. Shit.

They both stopped moving as they heard footsteps coming down the hall. "Ink? Are you okay?" The two skeletons looked at each other, and Error smirked, putting a finger to his mouth to mimic the 'shush' motion. Ink glared back at him, silently cursing the glitched skeleton out. He tried his best to make his voice sound normal as he spoke. "I'm fine Dream, I just-" Ink was cut off as Error positioned himself and slammed into him. "agh!"

"Ink?!" Error started thrusting into Ink, and leaned forward to suck at his collarbone as well. Ink covered his mouth, trying his best to gain any composure he could. "I-I'm just a little..- hngh! s-sick right n-n-ow...Ah..." Ink clutched Error's jacket, taking quick shallow breaths as he struggled to keep himself from shouting out. Dream seemed to hesitate outside the door a bit before answering. "Do you need me to come in?? I could help you to the kitchen so Blue can give you some medicine if you feel really sick."

Ink glanced over at the doorknob, and saw that it started turning. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest seeing that it was unlocked. Error, on the other hand didn't seem to care, and kept thrusting quickly into him, using one hand to jerk Ink off too. "W-Wait Dream don't!! I'm fine- gh!" Ink's heavy breathing and groans didn't sound fine to Dream, but the small skeleton stopped anyways. Ink tried to sound convincing as he spoke. "B-Besides—ngh! E-Errors already g-getting..Ah..something for me back h-home. He'll be b-back soon!" While speaking, he shot a glare at Error, who just smirked in response. Both of them could feel themselves getting closer, and Ink wanted Dream away already.

"Well...if you say so Ink. Blue and I will stay in the living, so just give a shout if you need us!" Ink felt bad for lying to his friend, but was too distracted by Error speeding up to care too much. "A-Alright Dream," They heard footsteps fading away, and Error let out a chuckle. "Not bad, I thought we were about to get caught for a moment there." Ink gritted his teeth. "A-And who's fault is th-that you g-glitch—AH!"

Ink jerked as the pleasure built up, and he finally came. He could feel Error come inside him as well, letting out a low grunt as he did. He let go of his magic's hold on Ink, and they both slid to the ground, panting. After catching his breath, Ink sent Error a death stare, his eyes an angry red. "When we get home, I'm so gonna best your ass." Error snorted, leaning his head against Ink's. "Alright, I look forward to it, Inky~"


I tried a new scenario and I hate how it came out but oh well😣

I also don't have anything else to say so

~Author Chan, out

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