Chapter 2

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"The time now is 4a.m in Britain, 5 hours ahead of America. It is 12 degrees outside, and we hope you've enjoyed your flight. We would be pleased to see you again." came the muffled, static voice of the pilot.

People were shuffling uncomfortably between the jammed seats in the plane, bulky bags hitting the surrounding people with the most subtle of movements.

Amidst the bustling crowd was the sought after thief, Gracie Felow, with her earbuds playing as she tapped her feet impatiently to the beat, longing to go a full minute without having to worry about a bag smacking into her.

Minutes had passed and a few hits she'd received before they were finally allowed to leave the plane. Relieve washed over her as the murmurs began to die down, and instead was replaced by the sound of wheeled luggages and footsteps.

Once she was out of the airport, her luggage in tow and scarf wrapped around her neck to fend her from the blistering cold, that is, the snow, she went to look for a cab to escape the cruel temperature.

Her boots crunched under the thin layer of snow as she trudged her way towards a cab outside. She was shivering as her glasses fogged every time she took a breath. She absolutely despised the cold, not only did it numb her entire being, both mentally and physically, but it was easy for her to succumb to illnesses.

"Crawford hotel please" The brunette pipped once she had managed to get the luggage into the trunk and sunk into the black leather seat in the cab.

Comfortable silence engulfed the duo as the man stayed focused on the road while the female gazed out of the window and into the bumbling city.

"So, what's a lady like you doing here? Vacation?" The cabby decided to break the silence and initiate a small chat with the passenger.

"I'm actually just 17, so i doubt that classifies as an actual lady, but I'm on a vacation indeed, and I may have just chosen the worst possible time of the year" the brunette chuckled in response.

"If you can withstand the cold, it's actually a lovely place to be at during the winter" the man shrugged lightly.

"That much, I have to agree with you. The city's breathtaking" she agreed.

They zoomed past streets of shops, peoples bustling about, waking past one another. The vintage lamplights gave the area an auburn hue, complimenting the fairy light decorations that lit brightly. Although sound wasn't present, she could almost hear the children's laughter as their small hands were wrapped in their parent's larger ones, wide grins adorning their faces.

The small talk continued up until they finally reached the hotel. Anyone could tell the hotel was grand from it's large structure and exterior. The hotel had a large fountain at the front, and the hotel had lights shining at it from below to illuminate to building.

"Thank you sir" she thanked as she payed the fare and got out of the taxi. Just at that very moment, she had received an incoming call.

"Felow speaking" she automatically greeted as she lunged her luggage out of the trunk.

"Felow, I assume your at Britain as of the time being?" The voice laced with a heavy accent spoke.

"Al? Splendid to hear from you. To answer your question, yes, I'm at Britain. Just got to my hotel as well" she chirped as she nodded at the staff who offered to help take her luggage.

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