Chapter 11

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Knock knock came the dull thud on her door.

Gracie sat idly in her room, reading a book on psychology she had borrowed from the library.

"Come in" she sighed, sliding a torn piece of scrap paper into the page before closing it.

The door clicked open, and to no surprise her brother stepped in, offering a sheepish smile.

"Hey there, slept well?" He asked.

"The bed's pretty comfy" she hummed. She hadn't slept, but he needn't know that. Plus, she wasn't lying, the bed wasn't too soft, nor too hard.

"Good, good. I'm supposed to bring you to the council room so that you get a briefing as promised yesterday, and we get to allocate you to your role here" he nodded, peering at the spacious room still lacking furniture.

"Role? You guys kidnapped me without even deciding what i was gonna do here? That just spells poor planning" she scrunched her forehead.

"We did plan, we narrowed down the few roles you'd be suitable for, but the council weren't sure of the best fit. I actually do find that you'll enjoy whatever work you'll be assigned to." He assured lightly, before the relaxed atmosphere immediately dissipated as his features hardened.

"You have yet to explain yourself, Gracie." He stated, eyes trained dead set on said female.

Eyes wide in shock and panic, she broke eye contact and began to look around the room for a swift change of topic.

"Don't bother changing the topic. What did you do while I was away"

"What are you, psychic?"

"Gracie" he snapped sternly, taking a warning edge in his tone.

"Alright fine. Fine" she sighed, defeated. "When mom and dad went missing, I hacked the police and stuff, they're lazy asses as I've always known, decided I wasn't going to work plus they're dicks, so I should make it equal by being a pain in their ass." She summarised.

"The drugs?" He narrowed his eyes, his tone venomous.

"Curiosity got the better of me. I've only touched cocaine but I've strayed from it for a month or two now" she assured.

"What, just like that? I'm not buying it" he huffed.

"No, remember Veronica and Alice? The two I met online?" She asked, earning a nod from her brother. "Yeah, well Veronica found out, catapulted herself into my humble adobe, sniffed out every stash I had, even my secret ones and hid them. She even took the initiative and paid off my dealer. So, she gave me cold turkey" Gracie explained.

"Veronica? I should really thank her. But you're still not off the hook Grace. You did drugs, almost turned yourself into a crackhead"

"To be fair, it's not possible to actually clean yourself of that addiction. Go ask some rehab centres, why don't you" she challenged, cutting him off.

Just as he was about to retort, knocking resounded from the door.

"Hey, you guys better hurry up, Mister director's getting snappy" came a muffled female voice from the other side of the door.

"Right, we should go" she said, before leaving, holding the door open for her brother before she left the room.

"Thanks" he mumbled, nudging her to leave first to which she did.

"Finally, Director's been whining, asking where you guys were and how long you guys were going to take to arrive. Eventually he got impatient and sent me after you two" the female smiled, "Oh, I'm Darcy Norm by the way, nice to meet you" she beamed, holding out a hand for Gracie to shake.

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