Chapter 7

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Both females wandered around the carnival, the wounded brunette being extra cautious of people bumping into her shoulder.

The lively place was lit with fairy lights, the atmosphere light and eccentric. The sound of chatters and children laughing rang through the air.

"Has Allison texted you yet?" The female huffed, impatience gnawing at her.

"She says that she's already here" Veronica frowned before raising her head in search of their pink haired friend.

"There" Gracie curtly pointed, her line of sight directing Veronica to their target.

"Allison!" The duo called out, Veronica's drowning out Gracie's voice, earning the attention of said female.

"Ah, Gwen, Valery!" She beamed, squirming through the crowd to join them. Her gaze hardened and turned into a glower directed at none other than the injured brunette.

"Gwen!" she barked as she approached the two, causing Gracie's face to pale.

"Oh no" she whispered to herself before turning to run off, only for her attempt to prove fruitless as Veronica held her back by the collar of her hoodie, momentarily choking her as she was caught off guard.

"You traitorous asswipe" Gracie choked out, her eyes in narrowed into a glare towards her friend.

"Avoid the face please"

Swiftly, she felt sharp pain on her forehead, until she realised that Allison had flicked her forehead.

"That actually hurt" she mumbled in slight surprise, before rubbing the dull pain on her forehead.

"It had better, you dumb twaddlefuck! Oh but I'm sure it hurts much less than that bullet joke your hiding under that damn jacket of yours" hissed the pink haired female, her voice soft, so as to prevent catching the attention of others.

"It'll heal up in no time, really. I'll cut down on the milkshakes and chips" the brunette promised.

The trio wandered through the area, observing the place. They had come across a cotton candy stall, and the duo had to pry Gracie away to stop her from buying 5 bags of them.

"Now that's just unfair. You two hadn't given me a chance to even get one" Gracie frowned.

"You have better down on your sugar intake or that arm of your won't be healing very soon" the ravenette chided.

As they were about to continue bickering, they suddenly got pulled by Alice to another game booth.

"Hello there ladies!" The booth vendor greeted, his grin supposedly charming as his eyes scanned them individually, before speaking "would you like to play? 5 shots is 3 bucks" he prompted.

They each looked at each other, Alice's eyes pleading, practically begging for the two to partake in their unspoken challenge. Veronica sighed, giving a nod before the duo turned to Gracie expectantly.

With a grunt, she rolled her eyes, "15 shots, 5 per".

The game was a simple shooting game. The three females were each given a toy gun, the bullet being wine corks. Toys of a wide variety were displayed on shelves, the smallest below while the biggest were on top.

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