Chapter 26

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"Hey guys, remember how confident I was in being able to beat real life hulk?" Gracie panted, weaving another punch aimed for her guts as she retaliated with her own kick.

"Clear as day," John nodded, visibly grinning as he held back his laughter, only to prove for it to be of valiant effort.

"Yeah, so that was a lie."

The female ducked once more from the charging body that barreled towards her, evading another devastating swing before regaining her ground and attacked back.

"Why don't you keep your head in the fight instead of smart mouthing me, pipsqueak?" The male snarled out, easily deflecting the fists that came hurling at him despite the odd angles.

The two had been brawling it out for well over 5 minutes now, starting off vicious and erratic, before eventually mellowing out to be more paced and timed. Gracie seemed to be on the losing end, however both Anthea and John could see the way Scott was struggling to keep up with the fast pace Gracie had forced upon him. The only reason he had yet to show any visible crack was because his pride was insistent on baring no weakness.

"Afraid I can't. Wouldn't be me if I did so," she said, placing a well timed kick to his diaphragm. While her kick connected, Scott only allowed a quiet gruff to escape before his hands shot out to grab a firm hold of her ankle.

"Checkmate," a feral grin morphed in his lips as his hand tightened dangerously on the limb.

Wordlessly, the female bit down on her lip as she pulled her leg back and latched onto both his shoulder blades once he was near enough before using him as a pillar of support to lift her other leg off the ground. In a single fluid motion, Gracie hooked onto the back of her opponent's knee, causing his knees to bend and arch.

In that window of moment where he had lost foothold, she dug her foot harder into the muscular chest, sending him crashing into the ground backwards.

"and time!"

"Oh thank fucking god." She clutched her chest in relief as she held one had out for him to grab.

"That was a good move back there, squirt."

"Thanks, I made it up on the spot and immediately regretted it."

The unwavering confidence and shimmer of pride that peeked through her sarcastic statement made the trio chortle as each gave their own well deserved praises.

"I've got to hand it to you," John gave a firm pat on her back, "you really outdid yourself."

Anthea purposefully coughed aloud as she watched John compliment the younger, before giving a mischievous pointed look, lips curled and eyebrows rising as she held a hand out.

"Come on." John glanced pleadingly between the two females, "really? Now?"

A cock of her head as she raised one eyebrow.

With a drawled groan, the man reluctantly dug into his pocket and fished out a fifty dollar bill , before harshly slapping it into the smug females' hand.

"John," the youngest scoffed, placing her hand to her chest, "justified, but hurtful. How could you?"

Anthea snickered at her response as John began to apologize profusely, trying to win back the favor of the younger. The only response he had successfully coaxed out of her was a muted pout.

"Looks like you've lost the good will of Junior," Scott sniggered, his sweaty body dodging past the three to grab his water.

John huffed through his nose, a noise of discontent and acrimony prominent as he shot a sour glower at the retreating figure.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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