Chapter 6

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"God dammit!"

Back in the brunette's hotel room was herself and her friend, Veronica, holding a blood soaked towel beside a sink of bloodied water.

"You're terribly stupid, you know that? You've lost two pints of blood just for a dumb crown" the raven haired female chided.

"A shiny, dumb crown" the brunette corrected nonchalantly before wincing in pain as the stained towel was pressed harder into her wound.

"Ow! Lighten up will you?" She frowned.

"I'd lighten up if you didn't get shot in your shoulder, you asshat!" She snarled.

In Gracie's shoulder's a small bullet hole that had actually penetrated through her shoulder from front to back, leaving a waterfall of blood seeping out of the wound.

"Hey the entry and exit diameter is only like, 6 millimetre" she retorted, before showing her the bullet stained with red that she had slipped out of her pocket.

"Gracie! What the actual hell!" She shrieked.

"Don't act so surprised. It's not out of my nature to collect evidence, even if it had went through my body." she protested, before examining the bullet under the bathroom light.

"I'm going to have to carry out debridement to help you heal faster, and judging solely off looking at it, I believe the shoulder joint's fractured" Veronica mindlessly spoke, ignoring her previous statement, knowing fully well what she said was true.

"There might be some nerve injury, but I don't think the brachial plexus is completely wrecked. I can still feel my hand and all, but it's pretty stiff and it's a pain to move my fingers" the injured female evaluated.

"Shut up dumbass. I'm the one whose treating you and you're the one with a bullet hole through the shoulder"

"Alright alright, but is debridement really necessary? The shooting distance wasn't within a mile, and I trust my body would rather do it via autolytic instead of surgical" she grumbled.

"Autolytic could take months. Surgical can help you heal in weeks as long as you switched to a more balanced meal"

"Balanced diet? Last time you said that, you put 'no snacks' in the same sentence with it so that's a big no no"

"I said you can take fruits as snacks, but not four bags of Doritos and a pint of ice cream!" Veronica retaliated, her eyes never leaving the wound as she continued to dab at it as gently as possible.

"Apples are not snacks" the brunette scoffed in disbelief.

"Drop the topic and continue with how you got shot" the ravenette demanded.

"Right so, I took the crown, took his own gun and held him at gunpoint so his sniper won't shoot me before I tranquillised his ass, literally, and left running. But that asshole managed to get a shot at me while I was running" she huffed.

"Was he hot though?" Veronica inquired, giving a knowing smirk as she temporarily allowed herself to stray from Gracie's wellbeing.

"I mean sure, I guess if Justin beiber and Chris pines had a son, he'd look like that. But I'm asexual so doesn't quite matter now, does it?" She chuckled

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