Chapter 3

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The brunette female woke up to the freezing cold air of Britain, her limbs practically freezing cold despite being buried deeply under the thick blanket.

She groaned as she turned to face the bedside table which had her phone on it. She winced at the harsh brightness of the phone as it turned on, but managed to make out '12:34am' through her squinted eyes.

After laying there for another 10 minutes or so while she tried to wake herself up, she finally got up groggily, dragging herself towards the bathroom. She took a quick shower before carrying out her normal morning routine and changing into a set of comfortable and supposedly warm clothing that wouldn't obstruct her movements.

It was fascinating as to how lazy she could get, despite her tedious weekly, if not daily workout routine. She left the room, the room card in her pocket as she went down the elevator and out of the building.

The streets were bustling, people pushing past each other as they clashed in opposing directions. Getting from point A to point B was no easy task, that much was obvious, and she didn't want to start sweating in her current attire from jumping across rooftops.

She sighed as she squeezed into the first gap she saw, before she felt the wave going against her desired direction. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips as she began to slowly worm her way through the crowd, apologising with every inch she moved.

To say it the journey was 'nerve wrecking' and 'torturous' would be too light, in her terms. The more accurate term would be 'traumatising',
and the amount of impatience accumulated was probably bigger than the planet in size at this point, and her bulky but lightweight bag didn't prove to help her situation.

Finally, after a gruelling 30 minutes, she had reached the quiet cafe, relieved to be out of the tight crowd. She entered, and unsurprisingly, a familiar face sat in the corner of the cafe, her eyes trained on the lit cellular device in front of her face.

She sat in the seat opposite the female, before swiping out her own cell and engrossing herself into it.

She had charcoal black hair, and her eyes were bright blue. She could see the way her hair shone under the lights of the cafe, and how she was completely disinterested of her surroundings. The raven haired female wore a navy blue sweater, and a pair of skinny jeans and Uggs. Her left hand was supporting her head that leaned into it, while her right hand held the device to her face, typing.

"Gwen" the female greeted.

"Valery" the brunette nodded, her eyes not moving away from her screen as she used her friends fake name without hesitance.

"How are you liking Britain so far?" Veronica mused, setting her phone faced down on the table.

"I would be lying if I said I enjoy it" Gracie chuckled.

"Well, that's what you get for being so rash with your actions, isn't it?"

"No no, I did think through it. I just hadn't anticipated for the temperature to be this cold" the brunette frowned, defending herself as she set her phone down as well.

"Well, when are you planning?" The female opposite Gracie questioned.

"Tonight" the brunette grinned mischievously, multiple plans scheming in her mind.

Veronica's eyes widened at the prospect, impressed with her short timed planning abilities.

"Impressive, you never fail to impress me Gwen" she nodded her head in approval as said female grinned.

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