Chapter 25

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Gracie sat idly, sunken in the corner of her couch, seemingly staring at the blank space ahead of her. She could finally relax once she was confident her flat hadn't been bugged after two hours of thorough searching. She had her legs propped up against her chest, and her intertwined hand covering one knee as she began to lay out all he information she had in front of her in the air.

Project Alpha, a trashed, yet once successful project; or at the very least it proves to show compelling and promising results. Everyone in the room seem to know of, and is against the project being revived, but the ones who had the most prominent reaction were Scott, Anthea and John. Therefore, likelihood is that they were either personally involved, or someone they all knew were involved. So Project Alpha brought together a group of talented agents, and that group became their precious asset.

A grave mistake, Scott had said. Project Alpha somehow became a grave mistake? It couldn't possibly be their dwindling numbers that was the mistake, right? After all, in this field of work, death is insured. So what is that mistake?

Project Alpha demands candidates be in tip top shape, both physically and mentally for what she presumes to be the pressuring timetable. With that amount of training for such a broad coverage, it was only reasonable to guess that the agents who had gone through Project Alpha were now model agents, as Harry had so generously supplied. Trump cards, as he had put it.

The schedule for Project Alpha has classes for combat, a given, etiquette, weaponry, hacking, languages, general knowledge and she swore she caught a glimpse of counselling. She could tell that they were all to shape her for field missions that required constant human interaction. So Project Alpha is most likely a group dominant in blending into crowds and surroundings. A stealth based group then. If that were the case, she could see why Harry would want to bring back a dead group, and believed her to be a suitable member. However, he has yet to take the fact that Gracie was not going to take any life into consideration. Not now, nor ever. She didn't wish to be the cause of incomplete families and bear any emotional turmoil that would gnaw on her alive.

Gracie sighed, before turning her attention to Project Omega instead.

Project Omega. She didn't have much to work with besides the fact that it was classified information not meant for the others to know. Considering the shock factor she had gotten, Project Omega is either what they believed to be a very well hidden project, or a recent fresh one.

She reeled herself back into reality, picking up her laptop in front of her as she turned it on, ready to do more hopeful scavenging for any information on the two projects.

Father and Harry knew each other from when they were mere recruits, therefore likely friends. Perhaps something had happened throughout the years, since it would seem that their friendship wasn't as close as she thought it would be for one that had pulled through years. Father was more of an open book, whilst Harry was a little harder to read accurately. But his front didn't quite add up to when she and Harry were alone in the past. Albeit he was still hard to read, that was effortless. With father, he had gone through the extra extent of making sure nothing got past him.

As for the three new agents, she didn't quite know how to make of them. Scott was a more brutish than the others, John seemed more like a calm, fatherly figure, whilst Anthea seemed more, well. She wasn't sure how to make of her. Was she trying to psych Gracie out? Her introduction was planned, that much was sure. She had done her research on the female prior to their meeting, and pointed out certain notable features. Sherlock junior, her fondness for music and such. Judging by her tone and act, she could only assume that on missions, she was the bait for targets who were drawn to seductive females.

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