chapter 1

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You have just graduated high school (yay :D) and are going to Kings college you were smart and pretty. But you didn't take you're word for it, so you say your good byes to your foster parents and your off.

You reach the gate of Kings college and admire the beauty of the only growing older buildings and stuctures and the best part the insides have been recently remodeled :). You park your car and pull out your paper that has your dorm adress and classes. (I dunno how many college classes their are but idc) you start to read your room number "room 441..... hm wonder who my room mate is, oh shit they split gender room mates." You roll your eyes and focus on the paper without realizing you bumped into someone.... you look at the person you accidentally hit and said "oh my gosh, I'm SO sorry!!! I didn't mean to I just wasn't paying attention and-" you were cut off and you look at the handsome man that you explained this too..

"It's alright!, don't sweat it I wasn't paying attention either..." he says staring right into your e/c eyes. You stare into his glowing hazel eyes and millions upon millions of freckles on his face.... wow he is really hot..... "O-oh okay." You stutter. "Trying to find your dorm?" He asks with his smooth lips... "U-uh y-yeah" you blush Scarlett as he looks at you. "Ok, let me see your paper! Oh by the way I'm john, john laurens" He smiles with his dazzling straight pure white teeth~ you blush even more.

"Room 441?... t-that's my room!" He stutters with a smile on his glowing tan face as he blushes at you. "O-oh cool! And I'm f/n l/n" You exclaim with excitement. "Here I'll walk you there if you want me too." He says while blushing Scarlett. "That would be great." You say in a excited voice you both blush and walk to the dorm.

You emideatley are surprised by how large and modern the dorm is. "Great isn't it?" John says "yea it's really nice..." You reply. There is a silence but john then says "so um were you from?" John asks "I'm from the Caribbean..." You say "cool.." he replys "actually not so much." You say "O-oh sorry I asked I won't again" he says worried "no its fine I just rather not speak about it now" you tell him. Someone knocks on the door.... "I'll get it" John says, he opens the door and Lafayette comes bursting in "wassup john?" He says in a loud voice, "nothing much but I finally met my room mate!, isn't she pretty?" John exclaims you blush and look down.

"Bonjour mon ami, je mapple Lafayette ;)" he kisses the back of your hand, you glance at John and see a slight bit of jealousy and anger. "Ummmm I don't speak French sorry :(" you tell obviously lying so if they try and pull code on you, Lafayette then says "oh sorry! I said hello, my name is Lafayette" he explains "oh ok!" You reply john then says "Ummmm it'd getting pretty late laf, I think you should go..." John says "oh ok I see what you're doing john ;)" Lafayette says john turns red and says "um no, and bye!" He pushes him out of the dorm. Then turns to me "so uh you wanna watch a movie?" He says with a smile on his face... DAMN why is john so hot when he does that??? "S-sure" you stutter "Ok what do you want to watch?" John asks "Ummmm how about f/m" You say with a grin "okay" John pulls up the movie on the TV as the movie plays you guys talk about your life and interests soon you realize you and John have every class together.... I'm so lucky to be in EVERY class with john... you are thinking about what you and John could become.

John waves his hand in your face, "y/n you there?" He says you see him and snap out of it "y-yup" You reply and blush then through out the night you too watch movies until you pass put resting your head on Johns shoulder. He blushes and kisses your forehead (you are half awake when he does this) you seek and he sees "oh I'm sorry!, I didn't mean to do that it's just you looked so pretty and-" you stop him in mid sentence "It's ok I loved it...." You and John both blush Scarlett as you fall asleep on john.

Johns pov:
She looked so beautiful asleep i wanted to kiss her so bad, so put of control I go in...... I pull away fast hoping she didn't know then I saw her smerk (shit) I explain to her that I'm sorry for doing that then she told me she loved it... well now I know I might have a chance :) and btw FUCK YES WE GOT ALL THE SAME CLASSES AND SHE'S MY ROOMMATE????

Hey guys end of chapter one this is my first book EVER I was inspired to write it after all the other talented writers who gave me joy with their fan fics (thx so much!)

Word count: 905 (WOW)

Thanks for reading! :) I didn't re read so ya :/ I'll try and write chapter 2 tmrw hopefully


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