FIVE. to believe is to deceive but i shall thank you my king

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SCARLETT STEPPED foot on Harry's boat

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SCARLETT STEPPED foot on Harry's boat. All eyes on her as she approached the others.

Her eyes flashed green for a moment. The color scared some of the people on the Isle an advantage some say.

Scarlett tooksteps towards Ben. He seemed aggravated, "You're not gonna get away with this." Ben sneered.

"I'm here to help you." Scarlett whispered.


"Carlos and Jay are on their way to make a fake wand and Evie and Mal are getting supplies to make a diversion."

"How do I know you're not lying."

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders, "That's on you to figure out. If you don't believe me. That will be on you."

Ben didn't move and neither did Scarlett. He finally looked at Scarlett, he had seen a change in her and it had only been a day, he slightly nodded his head.

"I trust you."

Scarlett only nodded. She pinched her fingers together and the two watched as a small green mist followed as she moved her fingers in the air. She circled the mist around Ben.

"It should protect you long enough until the others get back."

She eyed Ben who sent her a thank you, she only nodded her head.

The next day Scarlett was the first to arrive on the boat.

"And trust me I've been plenty mad." Uma said tapping Ben's face.

Scarlett's footsteps blared loud in Uma's ears. She pulled the girl close with a smile on her face.

"You took her friends away and she became spiteful. Vengeful. People fear her." She smiled.

"I've never thought of it like that before." Ben said before Uma turned her back on him, "That I've could have hurt the people I didn't pick. My plan was to start with four kids and bring more people over. I guess I was busy being king, that sounds lame."I'm so sorry. You're a leader Uma and so are you Scarlett, but so am I, come to Auradon and be part of the solution"

"Me, part of your solution, nah." Uma chuckled, "I don't need you I can get there on my own."

"Scarlett?" Ben questioned.

"She can't." Harry smiled, "He father would gut her."

Scarlett kept her eyes locked towards the ground. Her eyes shifting towards a green hue.

"Harry." Uma called. She grabbed ahold of her neckless and held it up, "Let's see what this puppy can do."

Harry and Uma walked off, leaving Scarlett and Ben alone.

"You can come to Auradon." Ben spoke, "Your father can't reach you from there."

"He's a very powerful person. No barrier could stop from him from getting to me. He runs this place now that Maleficent is gone." Scarlett said, "To him, I own him my life. They think I can leave. Leaving would probably cost me my life."

A beat of silence passed before Ben looked over at Scarlett once more. "I never meant to take Carlos away from you. Maybe if I didn't you be, what I assume, more cheerful."

"Maybe. We'll never know." She sighed, "I'll go see if I can stall time."

But before she could even get her right foot on the ground Gil began shouting.

"Hey guys, they're here!"

"Hey guys, they're here!"

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

my head is POUNDING anyways i think i can better explain scarlett's power now that i'm a mediocre writer

my head is POUNDING anyways i think i can better explain scarlett's power now that i'm a mediocre writer

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bye :))))

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