NINE. an angry mob with guns ablazing

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SCARLETT LOOKED at herself in the mirror

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SCARLETT LOOKED at herself in the mirror. Dizzy was waiting for a response.

"You really outdid yourself."

"You really like it?"

"I love it."

Dizzy let out a high pitch scream and hugged Scarlett.

"Where are you going?"

Scarlett was hesitant before she answered.

"To show off my Dizzy one of a kind piece."

"You're going to Auradon?"

"I wish you could come but I'm already in hot water and I don't want to bring you into it."

"That's okay. How are you getting there?"

"You know exactly how."

Dizzy sighed.

"I hid it."

"But you know where it is."

Dizzy turned her back and walked towards the sink and grabbed the book.

"If I can't use it, how are you?"

"I've learned a lot, hopefully, I can learn something from this book."

"Tell Evie I said hi."

Scarlett pulled Dizzy into a hug, "I will."

Scarlett went on her way and stood at the edge of the Isle.

"Okay, I can do this. Shouldn't be hard."

She flipped through the book.

"Just have to change a few words and it should work."

She heard yelling from behind her.

"There she is!" A voice shouted, "A traitor!"

"Okay, um. From East to West, this spells no jest, wherever we roam, send Scarlett towards Auradon."

The shouting grew closer and a gust a wind blew towards Scarlett and shut her eyes.

The shouting grew closer and a gust a wind blew towards Scarlett and shut her eyes

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

old authors note: my bitch ass wants ten chapters max so im gonna give myself ten chapters max. that's why it's so short

new authors note: i stood my ground so slayyyy

new authors note: i stood my ground so slayyyy

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bye :))))

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