SEVEN. to underestimate the power of a woman shall get you killed

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THE GROUP looking into the tunnel, but the darkness captivated any sort of light

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THE GROUP looking into the tunnel, but the darkness captivated any sort of light.

"Carlos, I'm sorry thought she was out here with you." Mal said.

Carlos only worried even more. He stepped forward towards the tunnel, but once again, the darkness had been too much for him to see.

"They hate her." He said, "We can't just leave her."

"Carlos, I kicked the bridge down there's nothing I can do."

A heavy silence grew up the six. It was worrisome. Carlos just got Scarlett back. They had all gotten her back and to be stuck on enemy lines was dangerous.

The sound of heavy boot echoed through the tunnel. Scarlett, battered and running on pure adrenaline walked out.

Carlos was quick to approach her and wrap her in a protective hug.

She held a tiresome smile and rested her chin against his shoulder.

"She's coming." Scarlett spoke, a heavy amount of emotion weighing on her, "You need to hurry before Uma finds her way out."

"You have to come with us. They'll kill you if they find you." Carlos said.

"I'll be okay."

"Your father can't hurt you from Auradon Scarlett, you saved my life and you've lost friends because of it." Ben said.

Scarlett sighed, stepping away from Carlos' side, "They were never really my friends. I'll be fine, honestly. It was nice to see you all again, and nice to meet you, Lonnie."

She turned back to Carlos. A small smile on her face as she approached him.

"I want you to have fun at that cotillion thing over at Auradon, okay?"


"It's gonna be fun." She smiled, taking his hands, "Party up. But I need you to understand that I can't go to Auradon. Not now."

Ben looked down, kicking the dirt on the ground, figuring out some what to convince the girl to go. He looked up and saw that Scarlett's appearance, something off about her. Something different.

"Trust me, cotillion sounds fun and... I wish I could go, you've got a good life at Auradon." She smiled, "You keep living that good life, and think about me, that would be nice."

Carlos sadly sent the girl a smile and nodded, he knew that she wouldn't change her mind about Auradon.


She let go of his hands and watched as the group headed towards the limo. She sent a wave towards them as Ben approached her.

"Thank you for saving me. I wish there was something I could do."

"Go to Auradon and be safe. That's all I'm asking for."

Before Ben could give her an answer she ran off. Scarlett made it home safe, she quickly shut the door and leaned up against it.

She closed her eyes and let her head gently hit the door. She shut her eyes but felt pain quickly go up her arm. She didn't bother to open her eyes because she knew who it was.

"Who knew instant messaging could spread so fast. That Carlos De Vil, after six months of being away he came right back and you fell right back in."

The voice loomed over Scarlett and was clutching her arm tightly.

"You've could have gone straight with him and been with him forever and lost the whole tough act as soon as you sat in that limo, but no, you chose to stay with me. That's a shame. I know why you stayed though. You're becoming just like me, a monster." Her father said.

His laugh boomed through the room and he turned his back towards her. He walked away feeling very proud of himself. He left his only daughter on the ground.

Once he was fully out of sight Scarlett knew she couldn't take it anymore. She finally stood on her feet and quickly and quietly ran her way to Dizzy. Once there she looked at Drizzy who was working on something.


She looked over her shoulder and saw Scarlett.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, but I need a favor."


"I need a complete makeover and a dress."

Dizzy smile grew bigger each word Scarlett said.

"Hurry and sit."


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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

old authors note: saying that scar could be a human is completely fair do to the fact that ursula was living under the sea and crap

bullying me won't get you anywhere if you read this story when i first started it

bullying me won't get you anywhere if you read this story when i first started it

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bye :))))

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