SIX. caring for the king means nothing if i don't have you

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THE ADMINISTRATION that Carlos had for Scarlett couldn't be defined

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THE ADMINISTRATION that Carlos had for Scarlett couldn't be defined. He would do anything for her. Was it love? It was a strange thing to feel. Like a thousand pounds on his chest that would explode whenever he saw it. Maybe this was love. It felt nice.

He'd do anything to protect her and after she had "fainted" from "Audrey's spell" he didn't let her go. He held her hand to every destination they had gone to. She just wanted her to be safe and with Audrey on the lose, this was probably the best her could do.

The group made their way down plenty of hallways and found no one.

"Ben!" Mal called.

"Ha!" Dude said, "This way."

"Ugh. Ben could be asleep anywhere." Mal said.

"Or turned to stone." Celia said.

"Okay." Evie whispered and covered her mouth.


"I got a scent, very pungent cologne, easy to track. Follow me, people." Dude said.

"That's great, Dude." Jay whispered.

"FYI, I give great cuddles, too."

"Really?" Gil questioned, "I never had a pet growing up. Except for the elk head in my dad's man cave, but not really-"

Uma cut him short, "Hold up. What's this?"

They all looked at the markings on the wall.

"Uh... Any chance this was already there?" Carlos asked.

"And follow me!" Dude said.

As the others followed Carlos stayed put.

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