NINE. my mother came to my rescue and therefor i owe her my life

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TIME STOOD still. As if they had blinked and were awoken. They had been able to move and gather their thoughts.

But there laid Scarlett. Her eyes shut and still in Carlos' arms.

It took a few minutes for everyone to process what had happened and what was currently happening.

Carlos looked down at Scarlett and brushed her hair out her face.

"Hey... you can wake up now. Please."

Evie and Jay looked at the two.

"What do we do?" Evie asked.

"Her father is probably still around, we have to find a safe place for Scarlett." Jay said.

The two of the approached Carlos and Scarlett as he still rested his hand on her face.

"Come on Carlos."

He looked up the two, almost scared to move.

"We can keep her in the dorms for now. Her father could still be around." Jay said, "She'll be safe there."

"Okay." He muttered.

As carefully as he could, he lifted her off the ground.

She felt really light. Carlos taking small steps as he followed Jay and Evie back to where Scarlett slept.

She was completely limp. Her head was thrown back and her arms dangled below her.

Evie and Jay took a glance back at the two, hearing Carlos whisper, "Please be okay." every now and then.

"Is she actually going to be okay?" Evie asked.

"There's only one way to see." Jay said.

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