Chapter 2~ You Okay?

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-The Next Morning-
I can't stop thinking, all night in bed I thought about those boys and then me and my friends.. I miss home.. I walk downstairs to the kitchen, dad is at work the boys must be at their friends house and mum must be at work too. I'm always left here alone I don't know why or how, it just happens. I go upstairs and get dressed in a pair of black jeans that I roll at the bottom, a maroon hoody and my black sneakers. I lay on my bed for a few minuets, just looking out my window. I decide to go for a walk to clear my head. I walk for so long, okay not that long, only like half an hour but I'm not that fit so it feels like forever. I find a bench and decide to sit on it, I open my phone to see a message from Tessa, my old friend from back home,

"Look I'm sorry but you moved so hope it's all good?😘"

I had no idea what she was talking about until I opened Instagram, and I saw a photo of her and Jackson kissing, that wasn't even the most painful part. The caption,

"I love you bby @jacksonhillbread😘❤"

I felt terrible. This feeling was nothing new to me really except this time it was worse because I didn't know how to control it or hide it. Tessa knew I liked Jackson and she'd promised she wouldn't go there, in a way I kind of expected it. He had a thing for her, all the guys did. She was beautiful, she was skinny, she had long, curly, light brown hair, the academic brain. Next thing I know I have tears slowly falling down my face and onto my shirt, only a few but then more and more start to fall. I wipe them away but they keep coming, I think about walking home but I know home won't fix it, it just hides it from everyone else. So I just sit here with my face buried in my hands crying.

"You okay?"

I jump at the familiar voice, "Oh. Yeah I'm fine." I wipe my tears away as fast as possible.

"It doesn't look like it, sorry I just hate to see people sad."

"Oh right, it's nothing really.." I lied.

"Maybe you wanna get coffee with me?" He said shyly almost like he expects me to say no.

"Uh sure, when?"

"Now.. If you want, if not whenever you're free.."

"Maybe now?"

"Okay lets go then."

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