Chapter 11~ Letters

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I haven't spoken to the twins since they bought me home that day. They tried calling and texting me but I didn't answer. Grayson actually came to my house but I wasn't in the mood. I'm still a little sick, mum wants me to go to the doctor to see what's wrong but everytime she says she will work calls her in. I don't want to go anyway. Too scared something bad is wrong with me.

I'm sitting at my desk in my room, a pen in my hand and a peice of lined paper half written on. I write to people but never send it to them or even tell them about it. Ethan saw me writing one day but I said it was nothing. I'm writing a letter to the boys. But this time I am going to send it.

From Amber ♡

I sign the letter and place it in the top right hand draw along with the rest of the letters I've written. I walk downstairs and sit at the kitchen bench.

"What's for tea Dad?"


"So prison food?"

"What ever you recon!" He laughs.

I finish tea with the family and walk upstairs to my room. I grab the letter, place it in a pink envelope, lick the seal and place a stamp on it. I run down the stairs again.

"I'm going to mail a letter mum! Be back in a sec!" I yell proceeding out the front door and a few meters down the street.

I walk to the end of the the boys street and look down to their warehouse, I shove the letter in the post box before running home incase they come outside.

I lay in bed wondering if it was a mistake or not. I curl up in my blankets and close my eyes, drifting off after a few hours of over thinking.


Grayson walks out of his room and gets a drink of water.

"DUDE! What are you staring at?!" He seems tired and angry again.

"Uh we got mail.." I trace the outline of the pink envelope.

I know he stayed up late again last night, he seems to be over thinking alot this past week.

"So? You read it yet?"

"No.. it's addressed to both of us.. see.." I hand him the letter and see his dreary eyes widen as he examines the hand writing.

"It's fr-from Amber?" He looks at me carefully. "You wanna read it or should I?" He seems calmer now. Not much but he's trying.

Dear Ethan and Grayson

I read the letter out to Grayson and feel a slight shift in my stomach, like a shooting pain is circling my insides. I saw it coming. I love Amber but not as much as I know Grayson does. I know he won't hurt her. I watch Grayson run out the door not even saying goodbye or where he's going but I can only guess.

After Ethan read me that letter I didn't know what to feel. I am happy Amber likes me too, guilty about what she said about Ethan and confused as to why she felt she had to ignore us the past week. I am walking down the footpath to Amber's house, I don't even know if she wants to see me but I got to try. I watch the blossoming flowers blow in the breeze as I pass by. I knock on the door twice before her mother opens the door. She looks so stressed.

"Oh is Amber home?"

"She left a while ago, I was hoping you'd seen her.." She takes a deep sigh.

"I'll get Ethan and we'll see if we can find her."

"Oh thank you so much Grayson that means alot!"

I run home and find Ethan on the phone, "Is that Amber?!"

"No why?"

"She- her mum said that she um- her mum can't find her!" I say out of breath high-key panicking.

"You Lil' I got to go!" He hangs up his phone.

Who is Lil'?

"Did you try calling her?" He says already holding his phone to his ear. "Pick up.. Pick up.." He whispers.

He soon shakes his head and puts his phone away. My phone rings and I answer without even checking who it is. Hoping it's Amber.

"Hello is this Grayson Dolan?" A sweet young lady says.

"This is yeah, who is this?"

"Um I found your friend on the beach, she- Amber seems like she's in alot of pain.." I hear worry in her voice.

"I'll be there right away!"

"Um I'm afraid I already called an ambulance, so you'll have to meet her at the hospital.."

"Okay thank you so much!" I hang up the phone and run to the car, Ethan following me. "She's in hospital.."

"W-what happened?"

"I don't know but some lady found her at the beach and called the ambulance.."


We made it to the hospital, Ethan called Amber's mum on the way. We run up to emergency and ask the lady at the front desk where Amber is.

"I'm sorry sir she's in the intensive care unit, no one is allowed to see her at the moment.."

"Is she awake? Gonna be okay?!" I was panicking.

"She has been given some medication and should wake up soon." She looks at Ethan behind me who is trying to calm me down. "If you take a seat in the waiting area we'll let you know if something changes.." She sounds nearly as scared as me.

We sit and wait, soon Amber's mum turns up with Jai and Noah, Amber's brothers.

It's been nearly an hour when I see the nurse from the front desk earlier walk over to us.

"Amber Fitzgerald?" She asks politely.

I jump up so fast I almost fall down again, "Yes!?"

"She is awake.. but I advise only one or two people at a time.. we don't want to overwhelm her.."

I sit down slowly.

"Why are you sitting down Grayson? Go and see her!" Amber's mum sighs.

"Don't you want to go first? She's your daughter."

"Grayson I've done this before.." She gestures me up off my chair.

"And plus she's the love of your life!" Ethan laughs slightly.

I shoot him a death glare before walking into see Amber.

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