Chapter 2: Lost and Found

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Not a word was said from the Loud family, as they sat in the waiting room. They knew only bad new awaited them.

6 year old Lana tugged at the skirt of her older sister Luna.

"Luna?" Lana asked, her eyes sad and wide, like a lost puppy. "Is Linky going to be ok"

Luna looked at the sad eyes of her little sister. She knew what was happening. Lincoln had already been in the hospital a few weeks ago. They told him then he only had a few weeks to live. She was unsure why they bothered to bring him his time, he was dying, and there was nothing anyone could do to save him. Bringing him here was just prolonging the inevitable. But what are you supposed to do, when your 11 year old brother, or son has collapsed on the ground, crying in pain, as blood oozed from his mouth and he seemed to lose control of his body, as he wildly shook.

They couldn't just let him die on the living room floor.

Luna knew that Lincoln was going to die today, but how could she tell that to Lana. She looked up to him so much over the years, how could she break the little girl's heart.

"I... I don't know" Luna said in as calming, and soothing of a voice she could.

Just then the doctor came in. This was not the doctor who had originally diagnosed Lincoln. They had brought Lincoln into the emergency room, this must have been the first doctor that they had on staff.

Part of Luna was relieved, the doctor who had given Lincoln his original diagnosis, seemed a bit harsh, and unprofessional.

This man however, presented himself very well.

He was tall, with dark hair, bright blue eyes that seemed to stare into a person's soul. And he had a warm and sympathetic smile.

"Is this the family of Lincoln Loud" he said in a sad and soothing voice. His smile turned into a frown as he asked the question. He had a sad look in his eyes as well

"yes that's us" said Mrs. Loud.

"My name is Doctor Alex Maxwell" The Doctor introduced himself. "Lincoln is ready to see you now. But be careful, he is in a very fragile state."

Once the doctors gaze reached Luna, he seemed to get sadder, like something about her triggered something in him. Perhaps she reminded him of someone.

The family slowly walked into the room where Lincoln was being held. Their hearts dropped as the saw all the different tubes and machines hooked up to Lincoln, barely keeping him alive.

"Oh my god, no" Mrs. Loud whispered. Mr. Loud was quick to comfort his wife.

"I'm really sorry to tell you this" Said Doctor Maxwell, "but your son only have a few moments left, it's best that you say your goodbyes"

The doctor then walked over to Luna and put his hand on her shoulder, "What's your name, miss?" he asked her.

"L-Luna" she said with a mixture of sadness and awkwardness.

"He's your brother?" The Doctor asked.


The Doctor took his hand away from Luna's shoulder. His face went blank for a moment. He seemed to be deep in thought, as if he was remembering something.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" he said in a calm soothing voice. "I'll be right back" he then left the room.

Luna then walked over to Lincoln.

His eyes were open, his heart rate monitors were still beeping.

"Oh man bro" Luna said. "I'm so sorry this happened to you" tears rolled down Luna's face. Lincoln looked at her with sad eyes. He seemed to be struggling to say something, but couldn't.

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