Chapter 25, Into The Red Zone

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Warning. This chapter will be hard to read for some. This chapter contains graphic violence, disturbing images, and graphic, drawn out depictions of torture. But for those who read to the end, I have something special for you.

Four years ago, the start of the outbreak.

"Breaking news. Tragedy struck downtown today. It is very hard to explain what has just happened, but it feels like something out of a comic book, or a video game."

"Hundreds possibly millions, dead."

"People are calling it the Pariah Virus, after a well-known serial killer who seems to be behind the whole thing."

"Reports of shapeshifters."

"A group calling themselves the evolved."

"They are here, they have always been here, hiding in our school, our stores, and most importantly our government. They have been planning this for years."

"The Pariah virus is spreading across the globe killing millions each day. The UN has officially declared this a terrorist attack."

"President Donald Trump has addressed the nation today."

"Pariah is perhaps the greatest terrorist threat in all of existence." Trump said to the nation. "Not just to the American people, but to the entire world."


Present day...

Luan Loud. About 18 years old, light brown hair usually tied back in a pony tail. Brown eyes and buck teeth. At the moment she was wearing a yellow and white stripped hooded sweater, a black skirt, yellow shoes, and yellow and white stripped socks that came up to her knees. She was always one for comedy, but the situation she found herself in was no laughing matter.

"muh." Luan groaned as she slowly woke up. The room was dark, but her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. She quickly realized she had no idea where she was. She tried to move but she was stuck. She panicked realizing she was strapped to a cold hard table.

Her arms were stretched out to her sides. Metal clamps were bolted to her wrists and ankles.

She started to hyperventilate. She heard a dripping sound. As her eyes adjusted she could make out the body of a man strung up on a meet hook. The man had all his limbs cut off, and his eyes were gouged out. The dripping was his blood hitting the floor. Luan's hart started to race even more.

"Where am I!?!?" She shouted. "Hello! Anybody!"

"Oh, this can't be happening." Luan moaned. She noticed an IV hooked up to her arm. "What are you doing to me!?!?"

Then a door at the end of the room opened up.

On the other side of the door Luan could see dark silhouette of Pariah, his red eyes glowing in the darkness.

"No." Luan whimpered. "No, no, no, no, no," she started to cry. "What are you going to do to me?"

Pariah flicked on a light. The room slowly filled with light. They were in what seemed to be some sort of kitchen. In the light Luan could see that the man hung on the meat hook had also had all his skin peeled off.

"Is that gonna be me?" Luan motioned to the dead body, tears dripping down her face. "Is that what you're going to do to me?"

Pariah walked up to Luan.

"please let me go." Luan begged. "I don't know anything. Please just let me go."

"There is no information I want from you." Pariah said.

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