Chapter 15: Vigilante Part 2

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"Ah geeze Rick, since when are you a cop?" Asked the grandson of Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith. As Rick looked over photos of recent victims, of a killer that seemed to have a lot in common with Pariah.

"In this reality?" asked Rick. "Since a couple of weeks ago. Some guys thought it would be a good idea to bring me in to look for this Pariah guy. Though I've actually been a cop at the citadel of Ricks for years, even before that whole thing with- urp- C-137."

"Oh yeah that's right." Said Morty. "Yeah I'm kind of just coming into the story so, so I don't really know what's going on. Gee I wonder. I wonder if like, if this was some sort of, of story, you know, like on the internet, Like you know some kind of fanfiction. I-I wonder if, I wonder if people reading it will have thought you were C-137 this whole time."

'Well they would be- urp- mistaken." Said Rick. "There's infinite Ricks in the multiverse Morty, and we ALL have our own unique adventures."

"Hey didn't you lock up Matthew McConaughey for, for because you thought he was Pariah." Morty asked.

"Yeah, but after I fought the REAL Pariah, I had him- urp- released." Rick responded. "Y-you know when you think about it. Basing a character on, on a Hollywood actor, is, it's kind of lazy Morty. And it, it makes the story seem dated. I mean what happens when McConaughey get's, get's really old, and no one can see him doing a bunch of stunts any more Morty. I-I mean it's fine I-I if you wanna model a character after an actor, Morty. But, but instead of saying 'he looks like Matthew McConaughey, the author should, should just describe Matthew McConaughey, and say that th-th-that's what the character looks like, Morty."

"Ah geeze Rick. S-so Pariah doesn't really look like Matthew McConaughey?"

"Oh no Morty, Pariah still looks and sounds A LOT like Matthew McConaughey. But b-but something tells me we won't be hearing that comparison much anymore. I think he may be a bit taller than Matt is though. Like, like a good couple inches at least, and Pariah has darker hair, it's like jet black. Also Pariah kills people, so yeah."

Just then Rick's phone started to ring.

"hello?" Rick answered.

"Is this Rick Sanchez? Head of the Pariah investigation?" Said a disguised voice.

"No this is Pizza Hut." Rick smirked. "Nah yeah, this is Rick Sanchez."

"By now I'm sure you've seen my uh... work on the news." Said the voice.

"So are you going to tell me you're Pariah now?" Rick said. "Because I know that would be a load of bullshit."

"Uh..." The voice became a bit confused. "yeah it is a load of bullshit. I actually called to tell you I'm NOT Pariah. Oh man, here I was thinking that I was going to have to try so hard to convince you that I wasn't Pariah. MAN is that a relief. But yeah, as I was saying Pariah is a sick and twisted monster, and I am nothing like him. I've only killed bad people, murderers and stuff. I want to use my gifts to help, not to hurt."

"yeah, and what should we call you." Rick asked.

"For now you can call me Ace." Said the voice.

"Ace huh?" Rick said, raising an eyebrow (or at least half of his unibrow) "You get that from a comic book or something?"

"WHAT? Uh... no... I uh... I have my reasons for that name. Reasons you can't even begin to comprehend."

"Yeah, sure whatever kid."

"Kid? I'm not a kid!"

"I'm in my 70s" Rick replied, "everyone's a kid to me."

"Oh, yeah that makes sense." Said the voice who calls himself Ace. "Well anyway, I'm just calling to let you know that I'm not Pariah, and I will do all I can to help bring the real Pariah to justice. I'll uh... I'll call you back later." Ace then hung up the phone.

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