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(Something just like this by The Chainsmoker. video by Pixl Networks)

"muh..." Lori woke up in the middle of her living room.

She tried to move her hand but found it was stuck.

Oh crap! Lori thought.

Lori turned her head to look at her hand and was absolutely puzzled by what she saw.

Her hand was incased in ice.

Lori broke her hand free from the ice.

Her other hand was also frozen, she broke the ice from that one too.

Where did this ice come from? Lori wondered. She slowly got up to her feet and placed her hand on the nearest wall and got her answer.

As she placed her hand on the wall, the places her fingers touched started to freeze.

The ice is coming from... me?

Lynn woke up next. She grabbed onto a lamp to pull herself up. As she tightened her grip on the metal lamp, it squished like it was made of wet clay.

"Huh?" She said to herself looking at the indents she made on the lamp. Then she proceeded to tie the steel lamp into a knot. "Nice!"

Luan woke up. She looked at her hand to see yellow sparks coming off of them.

"Hey, has anyone seen Leni?" Lori asked.

"Um, like I'm right here." Leni said.

"Where? I don't see you?"

"I'm standing right next to you."

"Oof." Lori said as she walked into something invisible and fell to the ground.

Then Leni came into view. "Guys! I think I was just invisible!"

Lana woke up to find her pet frog Hops sitting next to her.

"Hops you're alive!" Lana said. "Where've you been buddy!"

"Oh around." Hops said, in a voice that sounded a lot like Patrick Stewart. "Those creatures out there don't tend to go after us frogs. After you guys left I spent most of my days in Fishmen's pond."

Lana gasped "YOU CAN TALK!"

"You can understand me?" Hops said.

"Guys hops can talk!" Lana held up hops. "Come on say something buddy!"

"Um... Did I seriously see Lincoln eating Lynn a few moments ago?" Hops said.

"See he can talk." Lana said.

"Uh I didn't hear anything." Lynn said.

"Oh, so that wasn't Lynn." Hops said.

"You didn't here that?"

"Well I can bend steel, maybe you can talk to animals." Lynn suggested.

"Seriously I could swear I saw Lincoln eating Lynn just moments before." Hops said.

"Oh, that wasn't Lynn, that was Ellie." Lana said. "She does look a lot like Lynn. Or did."

"is Hops asking about Ellie?" Lynn asked. "Yeah sucks what happened to her."

"But why did Lincoln eat her? Is he going to eat us?" Hops asked.

"No, Ellie wanted Lincoln to eat her. Don't worry Lincoln's still a good guy." Lana said.

"Very well." Hops said. "But I'm keeping my distance."

"Hey, let's go outside and see what other animals I can talk to!" Lana said. Then she rushed outside.

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