Chapter 18: Meanwhile

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"Rick LH-11. Glad you could make it"

"Rick WD-8, I guess they let anyone be the leader of Seal Team –urp Ricks now a days."

The two Ricks sat in a bar in the citadel of Ricks.

"So why have you –urp summoned me here." Rick LH-11 asked.

"Pariah." WD-8 said in a serious tone.

Then a Morty dressed as a bar tender walked over. "Hey I'm I-I'm bar tender Morty. What-what can I get you."
"The usual." Both Ricks answered.

"So Pariah huh." LH-11 said.

"You faced him?"

"Yeah I faced him alright."

Then Rick WD-8 grabbed Rick LH-11 by the throat.

"You faced him and sent that bastard straight to ME!" WD-8 yelled.

"Whoa easy there Walking Dead." LH-11 said.

"Pariah stole your damn Portal gun, now he can traverse dimensions." Rick WD-8 said. "And you didn't even bother to come after him, you just sat on your lazy ass while the hundreds of other Ricks got eaten by that monster!"

"Pariah huh?" Said Bar Tender Morty. "I thought he was just a myth."

WD-8 let go of LH-11 and sat back down.

"Oh he's real alright." WD-8 said. "Bastard ripped through an army of Ricks like they were nothing."

"Aw geez, so did you send in the genetically modified Ricks?" Bar Tender Morty asked. "I bet they could handle him."

"I did. But they were just snacks to it." WD-8 said.

"What about –urp, Doctor Rickhattan, that guy's basically a god." LH-11 said.

"He's dead too" WD-8 said, before taking a drink. "Pariah dug its way into his skull, and sucked him up from the inside like a black hole."

"Dang." LH-11 said. "I didn't even know that was possible."

"Pariah is like nothing we have ever faced." WD-8 said.

"Well f we can find a cure for the virus, we can –urp, take away his powers." LH-11 suggested. "Didn't dimension LH-12 cure it?"

Rick WD-8 slammed his mug on the table. "THE PEOPLE IN LH-12 HAD THE FORESITE TO CURE THE VIRUS WHEN IT WAS IN ITS EARLY STAGES! What we face now, it has evolved beyond just a virus. Its death itself, there's no way even a Rick can crack it now."

"I think I –urp, know someone who can." LH-11 said.


"The man who worked on that virus since the beginning. Doctor Alex Mercer."


Luke Loud sat in his room of an apartment building. His home was destroyed and he and his brothers had to sleep in that dirty motel for the night. Just like at his house each of the ten brothers took a room in pairs of 2. He was pared with his younger brother Lane.

His parents on the other hand, His parents spent the night in the hospital with his only sister,


Luke sat on a chair facing the window, he watched as the rain poured outside. He held his favorite guitar in his lap. Ordinarily it would be plugged in to create the hard rock sound he loved. But now he kept it unplugged as he played a sad acoustic tone.

"If I had wings." He sang "Like Noah's dove. I'd fly up the river, to the one I love. Fare thee well, oh honey fare thee well."

A reporter stood in the streets of Royal woods.

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