Chapter 17: The Son of Alex Mercer

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"You know what the scariest monster is doctor? The kind you invite into your own house." Sarah Winchester, from Winchester. (I know that movie doesn't get the best reviews, I thought it was alright, but the quote works here)

Disclaimer: This chapter contains scenes of extremely graphic violence, even by my standards. You have been warned.

A couple weeks earlier.

Albert Wesker had gotten in his car to head back to base. One of his men was sitting in the driver's seat.

"So I hear you've been looking for me." The man said.

"What?" Albert looked at the man with confusion. Suddenly the man started to change form into a man with a black suit, red tie, and black cowboy hat.

Wesker jumped back startled.

"Calm down Albert, I'm not here to fight." Pariah said.

"Pariah?" Wesker said.

"I'm here to make a deal." Pariah said. "A deal that'll make you rich beyond your wildest dreams."

"I'm listening." Said Wesker.

"I know you've been working with the very same virus that makes up myself. That gives me my powers." Pariah said. "That's why you're looking for me. You don't want to end my carnage, or save lives. You just want my virus, so you can study it, so you can either weaponize it, or to sell unsuspecting people treatments for the virus, that won't REALLY cure it, or maybe you plan to do a little bit of both. Claim to be creating a cure, but really you'll be making more deadly strands of the virus, so people will keep needing treatment, and filling your wallet. All while you use the virus to create super soldiers that you can sell to whoever pays the most. Does that sound about right?"

"Actually yeah." Albert Wesker said. "That's exactly right."

"Well, here I am." Pariah said. "And you know what. I'll give you everything I need, willingly. You just have to do one thing for me."

"What's that?"

"Now I'm gonna be out of town for a while." Pariah said. "and while I'm gone. I want you to capture the Loud family for me."

"The Loud family?"

"Alex Mercer has gotten close to them. I need you to capture them, and get me some DNA from each of the siblings. You do that. And once I start spreading the virus, I'll send you an endless supply of infected specimens for you to play with."

"You got a deal" Wesker said, shaking Pariah's hand.

"Pleasure doing business with you, ya blond idiot."

"Excuse me, did you just call me an idiot?"

"You see the thing about the evolved." Pariah said. "We can see the memories of those we consume. Now if you're hunting an evolved, if you can predict who they'll consume, and tell the right people the right things, you can really manipulate them."

"I'm not sure I fallow."

"Never mind." Pariah said as he got out of the car. "See you later Blondie."


Present day.

Rita Loud was working her job as a dental assistant. A patient walked in, a teenager somewhere between 17 and 20. He was here for a routine checkup. She told him to lie down on the chair, and open his mouth so she could look at his teeth.

"Alright I'm just gonna check for cavities." Rita said. She then started poking around in the boy's mouth with her dental tools. Suddenly the boy's teeth turned into sharp fangs and clamped down on Rita's hand like a bear trap, and Rita screamed in pain.

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