Chapter 7

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Arriving at the airport, Louis takes my hand in his, kissing the back of it softly. We won't be able to speak to each other until we arrive at Heathrow after last night. Management has already called, yelling furiously through the phone. They sent a detailed email of instructions, forbidding us from touching, speaking or looking at each other at the airport. I know that the airport will be flooded with paparazzi but I could never expect what we see when we pull up.

"I love you, Lou. See you on the other side."

He nods back at me, not in an aggravated way, just shocked at what is in front of us. A mob. Fans and paparazzi alike crowd the airport doors, forcing security to push people out of the way so that it's even possible for us to walk through. Liam stepped out first, followed by me, then Zayn and Niall and lastly, Louis.

"Harry, is it true that you and Louis came out?"

"Louis! Are you two fighting now?"


We stay close and quickly pace to the doors, entering to more people being shoved aside by security. Once we enter a private security check, things finally calm down. I can't wait to get home and lock ourselves in my flat for a week. My favorite part of negative publicity like this is the hiding process. The worst part was the 'social with new, random girls' phase that directly follows. It's the same every time. We disappear for a week. We reappear, seeming to forget the other's existence, while I'm set up with models, painted as a womanizer, and Louis spends every waking moment with Eleanor. After about three weeks of that, things calm down a bit. I have a feeling that this process is going to be a lot longer. It's been a long time since something this monumental has happened and Modest wasn't going to take it with a grain of salt. I honestly don't know what is going to happen. We finally get on the plane and take our sits; I'm glad I'm sitting with Liam if it can't be Louis.

"Liam, this is such a fucking mess. What's going to happen?"

"Probably the same as usual.... times 10."

"That's what I'm afraid of. Why can't they just let us come out. Did you see one person outside the airport putting down the idea? No, nobody. Sure, we would have some non-supporters but most of our fans would be supportive if it came straight from us!"

"I know, Harry. I don't get it either. The amount of time you guys have been fighting them on this, you would think they would just give in already. Louis is so stubborn, too; It really surprises me that they haven't budged."

I sigh and look past Liam and Louis. He is blankly staring out the window, probably angrily wishing I was next to him, Niall already talking his ear off. As we sit on the plane, awaiting information on take-off, I pull my phone out of my pocket with one email and one new message.

From: Modest!

To: Harry Styles; Louis Tomlinson; Zayn Malik; Liam Payne; Niall Horan; Eleanor Calder; Simon Cowell

CC: Jason Parrish

Subject: Mandatory emergency meeting

Dear recipients,

This email is to inform you of a mandatory meeting to discuss the events of last night. As soon as you land, you will be taken to our offices to discuss a plan to fix everything that has gone on. This will be a group effort so you all need to be there. Eleanor will meet you guys there instead of the pre-arranged airport meeting. A car will get you from your house, Ms. Calder. There will be absolutely NO posting on social network sites until after your meeting with Mr. Parrish and a committee of his peers. Action will be taken immediately, so prepare for sudden changes in schedules. We look forward to seeing you!

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