Chapter 32

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“Come on, Styles. We’re already late!”

Nick has been trying to get me to hurry for a while. I still don’t know how I let him convince me to go to a party. I guess it’s what management wants me to do. Be seen.

“I’ll be out soon.”

I’m sitting on the floor in this oversized hotel bathroom. I’m terrified to go to a party. I know the type of people Grimmy hangs out with; the type of people who will have plenty of drugs, including the one I need to stay far away from. I just can’t drink. If I drink, I’ll do something stupid. After my sudden craving last week, I’m extremely nervous to be surrounded by temptation. Especially when Louis isn’t here. Louis. I should call him; he’ll make me feel better. I reach up to the counter and retrieve my phone, finding him on my favorites list quickly. It didn’t even ring.

“It’s Louis. Leave a message.”


“Hey, love. I’m- well, I’m going to a party and I don’t want to. I’m scared. I just wanted to talk to you for a minute, but I guess your phone’s off. Probably dead, knowing you. Umm, call me

when you get this. I love you.”

I set my phone down and take a deep breath before more knocks echo through the room.

“I’m coming, Nick!”

I stand up and make sure I look decent before opening the door.

“Jesus, what took you so fucking long?”

“I’m Harry Styles. Hair had to be perfect.”

I force a grin and Nick rolls his eyes, carrying his tumbler of whiskey toward the door, ready to

go. I follow him reluctantly and we check that the door is locked behind us.

“Driver’s downstairs.”

I simply nod, even though I know he’s begging for some enthusiasm.

“Can’t wait to get fucked up! You’ll do a line with me, right?”

I shoot him a daring look.

“I told you, no more coke for me.”

“Harry, come on! Loosen up a bit. I know you miss your precious boyfriend but you might as

well make the best of this. You guys don’t get enough time apart anyway.”

I hate the way he says boyfriend sarcastically, as if Louis and I aren’t a serious thing.

“We’ve spent much more than enough time apart lately.”

“You two are literally always together. You’re either on tour together or your hiding out in a flat

somewhere. I haven’t seen you forever. You can at least pretend to be having fun.”

We wait for the lift and I look at him, finally realizing how much of a jerk I was being.

“You’re right, Nick, I’m sorry. I’m glad you’re here. Much better than Cara, too.”

We chuckle and he takes a sip of his nearly-gone drink as we step into the lift.

“Oh, come on, she’s not so bad.”

“Yeah, there’s a lot of drama I haven’t filled you in on quite yet. It’s all okay now, but it still would have been hell.”

“Yikes. Ya sleep with her or something?”

He doesn’t seem shocked really. Just a bit intrigued.

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