Chapter 40

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I wake up the morning after our unfortunate run-in with my dad to find half of Louis’ body draped over mine. Sometimes he sleeps so soundly, but then there are nights when he has nightmares and I find him like this. I want nothing more than to wiggle out from under him because I have to take a piss like you wouldn’t believe, but I can’t move him because his skin on mine feels so right.

I lay in near-silence, his steady breathing and light snores being the only sounds in our room. I lay back on my pillow and look up at the wall of pictures. They all bring me back to a different memory and I can’t help but smile at most of them. A few take me to a dark place, reminding me of the worst of times when we couldn’t even look at each other in public, but they also remind me of the strength those experiences forced upon me and Louis. Every last picture leads to a memory of an experience that brought us closer together, whether that was it’s purpose or not. Nothing can tear us apart.

Louis rolls over so that his chest is against mine and I run my fingers through his hair as his eyes flutter open and shut again.

“What are you thinking about, Hazza?”

I smile as his raspy voice fills my thoughts, his eyes closed softly and sleepily.

“You. Always you.”

He chuckles and pulls the covers over us more as he adjusts his position to a more natural one, his head on my chest and one leg draped over mine.

“I love you, Harry.”

I kiss the top of his head, his messy hair tickling my nose.

“I love you, Lou.”

He brings his left hand to my chest, just below his head, and starts to trace random shapes along my skin. I feel my breath hitch as it always will from his touch and he trails a finger down my stomach and closer to my hip. My arm feels dead beneath him, but I don’t pull it away. Instead, I use it to pull him closer to me until he gets the picture and straddles my bare lap, his eyes tired and half-closed.

“We should get breakfast with the guys, eh?”

I rest my hands on his thighs as I speak, gently stroking them and he yaws and stretches his arms out.

“I don’t want to let you out of this bed, babe.”

I smile and he leans down, his palms balancing him on my chest as he leaves a close-mouthed kiss on my chapped lips.

“Well, now. I think we’ve spent quite a bit of time cooped up in here and I haven’t seen them

since I got back.”

He kisses my forehead and sits up again, fingers skimming down my sides.

“Alright alright, I’ll share you.”

I giggle and surprise him by lifting him up with my hips and flipping our bodies over, pinning his against the warm mattress.

“How about,” I begin to pull the covers over me as I slide under them, “I suck you off,” I leave wet kisses on either side of his hips, “and then we take a shower?”

At that, I grip his half-hard cock in my hand and he moans in response instead of speaking. I just want him to know how happy he makes me and nothing makes me feel more complete than to witness his body quiver under my touch.

I am completely engulfed by the sheets and I feel one of his hands find their way to my tousled curls, gripping them lightly as I lap my tongue over the tip of his quickly hardening length, savoring his taste with a dramatized whimper.

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