Chapter 34

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“I don’t know, El. I’m just glad he get’s back soon.”

I lean over and leave a kiss on her cheek. I don’t mind holding her hand in public and showing affection like this, but it really makes it difficult to have a conversation when we’re constantly looking around to make sure no one can hear us. We would be back at one of our flats, but I feel the need to use the time Harry is gone to make a lot of public appearances with Eleanor. That way, when Harry is home, we can lock ourselves away for a while.

“I’m glad he’ll be back, too. I’m sick of seeing you all mopey.”

“I’m not mopey!”

“Yes, you are.”

“Okay, maybe a bit. But, this whole separation shit is complete rubbish. I’m so sick of it all.”

She leans forward and takes a sip of her Starbucks, speaking softly now.

“You just have to remember what will be best in the long-run. If you and Harry came out now, it

could completely ruin your career.”

I sigh and run my fingers through my messy hair.

“I know, El. If it weren’t for the other boys, I’d honestly say ‘fuck it all’. We would never dream of

ruining this for them, though. They’ve become family to us; you too, Ellie.”

She grins and rests her hand on mine, trying her best to look deeply in love. I swear we must look more like brother and sister, but if Jason is happy, I’m not going to try any harder.

“Seriously, these past three years seem surreal. Like, wasn’t it yesterday when I met him in that bathroom? Now, I would do anything for him. I just wish we could go back to how it used to be or jump forward five years and hope things are all figured out.”

“I know, Lou. It’s not been easy for you guys and I hate seeing you two torn apart all the time. Where do you see yourself in five years; like, if you could jump forward, what do you think would be happening?”

I sit back and think, my mind roaming back to the many dreams I’ve had.

“Well, I imagine in five years, Harry and I will leave London, which it’ll take everything in me to convince him to do, and we’ll buy a house in the country somewhere. The boys will probably go off and do their own thing, but I don’t think there will ever be a time when we don’t keep in touch. I want to marry him, El. I want to adopt some kids and raise them together. I want us to finish growing up together and then, I want us to grow old together. We’ll be 86 and 84 and I could still never get enough Harry.”

I look back at Eleanor and she’s grinning from ear to ear, tears glazing her eyes.

“You’re such a sap, Lou.”

We both chuckle and I take a sip of my scalding coffee.

“I never used to be! This boy has ruined me.”


“Hey, Hazz.”

I had run into my room when I heard the phone ring and plopped down on the bed.

“Hi, boo. I just left the studio. I think I can get out of here in a couple days if I cooperate.”

He doesn’t seem enthusiastic until he mentions leaving early.

“Really? That would be fucking amazing! So, it’s going good?”

“I guess. It’s really weird. I don’t like posing in just my pants.”

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