Chapter 36

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When the car pulls up to Louis' flat... our flat, the sun is just coming up. I grab my large bag and run up the steps as if I were late for something. I just can't contain myself. I'm so glad to be home and so happy that I'm about to see Louis again. Nothing in the world matters besides holding him in my arms. I've had my key ready in my hand since I got in the car at the airport and when I reach the door, I slide it in and excitedly push it open. I drop my bag and close the door behind me, locking it without turning around. The floor is covered in small candles and rose pedals. From the door to the kitchen, every last inch is blanketed.

In the very middle of the room, Louis is face-down in the couch, wearing nothing but a tight pair of briefs, clinging onto his perfect bum. I chuckle to think of him trying to stay awake until I get home and fighting sleep for god-knows how long. I walk through the small walkway he's made that leads to the couch and all the way to the bedroom. I bend over his motionless body and place a soft kiss on his spine, right between his bare shoulders. I tuck my arms carefully under his body and he turns to face me, still practically unconscious. I lift him up slowly and he wraps his arms around my neck instinctively, not even realizing he's awake. I smile at the feeling of his warm skin on mine and I feel a wave of relief pass over me. I walk as slow as possible through the hall, where there aren't any candles, except for the ones along the wall, giving me enough room to walk. I turn to the side and push the bedroom door open with my shoulder, shuffling through, careful not to hit Louis' legs on the frame.

I secretly want him to wake up, but I can't possibly do it on purpose. He looks so flawless in his sleep, so content and carefree. I walk over to the bed in the dark, placing one foot in front of the other in the familiar room. I walk to his side, on the right from where I'm facing, and reach down to pull the covers down. I set him on the cold sheets and quickly cover him up so he doesn't begin to shiver. Immediately, he rolls over toward me and his eyes start to flutter open. He squints as his eyesight adjusts to the dark and he reaches his arms up to me.


I forget that I'm wearing my shoes. I forget about everything else in the world. I lay down on the bed, directly on top of Louis, my arms wrapping around him tightly as I bury my face in the crook of his neck, the one place I belong.

"Louis, god. I missed you."

I sniffle and laugh at the choked sobs trying to escape as he hugs me back, his hands

sliding up and down my back soothingly.

"You have no idea, Harry. Were you going to just let me sleep?"

He raises his voice a bit and I giggle as he flips us both over so that he's laying on top of me, tangled up in the sheets.

"You looked so peaceful-"

"Oh cut the crap, Haz. If I didn't wake up, I would have killed you in the morning."

"It is morning."

I stick my tongue out at him.

Instead of retorting with some clever response, he leans down and catches my tongue

with his teeth, letting go only to press his lips against mine. I moan into the kiss, feeling so content and happy that I just can't help myself. I dig my fingers into his back, wanting to hold him as tight as I possibly can without hurting him. He places each of his legs on either side of my hips, straddling my waist. He pulls away from my mouth and kisses my forehead before sitting up on his knees.

"I want to show you something before we reach the point of no return."

I chuckle and he hops off the bed, hustling over to the door again. I stand up and kick off my shoes, putting them near the closet with the intention of putting them away later. I reach back and pull off my shirt, happy to remove the clothes I wore on the place. Suddenly, dim light floods the room and I turn to face Louis as he leans against the door frame, a smile on his face. I walk over to him and turn to face the wall he's looking at.

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