Chapter 38

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I don’t know why I’m letting my dad’s words get to me so much. I mean, I tried to prepare myself for the worst, but it didn’t quite cut it. I actually wish he took it out on me, not Louis. How can he say such hateful things to the person I just told him I loved, especially when he hardly knows him?

Now, he’ll never get to know him. I hate to think about how distant my father was when I was younger. I felt that we had gotten past it as I grew up, but now none of it matters. He’s completely digressed and lost all respect I might have had for him.

Even though I’m angry, I’m still more hurt.

I sit on the edge of me and Louis’ bed as he instructed while he got our bath ready.

I spoke to my mum on our way home and she was livid at my father’s reaction. I just feel lucky to have at least her, Robin, and Gemma to support my relationship. That’s really all I need. I still can’t get the lump of disappointment out of my throat from our lunch-gone-wrong.

“Hazza! I’m ready for you!”

I grin despite myself and stand up from the mattress, pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it into a nearby corner. I enter our bathroom to find Louis lighting the last of about ten candles on the counter. He’s stripped to his briefs and the oversized tub is about halfway full. I reach over on the wall and flip the light switch off to get the entire effect of the candles. The same candles he had littering our living room that night.

“Might as well put them to good use, eh?”

I smile and walk over to Louis slowly. I take the lighter out of his hand and set it down by the sink. I wrap my arms around his thin waist and lean down to place a not-so-chaste kiss on his parted lips.

“Thank you, Lou.”

I whisper as our mouths hover inches away from each other.

“I just want you to happy, babe. Can I get you some champagne?”

I grin and kiss his forehead before working at the button on my jeans.

“I’d love some.”

I wiggle my skin tight pants off, wearing nothing underneath. Louis turns around from pouring the bubbly wine in two glasses and stares at me. Before he can say anything, I turn around and hurry into our bedroom. I reach the bedside table quickly and easily find a half-empty bottle of lubricant. This is exactly what I need right now. Louis. All of him.

I return to the bathroom and Louis’ bottom half is submersed in the water, but that’s about all it covers and it’s not as though I can’t see everything. He’s already hard and that makes me smirk devilishly.

“Where’d you go?”

I hold up the lube and set it down next to our full glasses of champagne. Louis grins and scoots forward so I can sit behind him. I slip into the water carefully, grabbing my glass of champagne once I’m seated comfortably, Louis resting his back against my chest.

“Lunch was great, Lou.”

He laughs and looks back at me.

“Harry, I made microwavable macaroni and cheese.”

I take a sip of my drink and set it down on the side of the tub.

“And it was delicious!”

We both chuckle and I take Louis’ glass out of his hand as well. He rolls over so that our chests our touching, his petite body resting between my legs.

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