Chapter 22

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I nervously approach Louis’ door, wondering what has been going on. I haven’t seen Louis since he got back, and frankly, I’ve hardly seen Harry since Louis left for France. The two occasions I did see him, something wasn’t right. The first time was at a radio interview that all of the lads were at, besides Louis.

Flashback (Three weeks earlier):

“Where is Harry?”

“I-I don’t know. He said he’d be here at eleven.”

“Well, it’s eleven and I don’t see him.”

Jason’s assistant, Michael, prances around, yelling at everyone just because Harry hasn’t made an appearance yet. I feel bad for Harry and Louis. I see every day how happy and in love they are, and for people to try to keep them apart- it’s just plain wrong. I hear commotion and turn quickly, observing a rugged-looking Harry walking through the door, beanie and sunglasses on. He slouches as he walks, plopping down on the nearby couch. He doesn’t even seem to care that everyone has been looking for him and doesn’t remove his glasses.

“Where the hell have you been?”

“Michael, can you leave me the fuck alone? Thanks.”

I’m shocked by Harry’s behavior, because it’s simply not like him to use that language in everyday conversation and he’s typically in a great mood. I stand up and walk over, kindly pushing Michael out of the way so that I can sit next to Harry.

“You alright, mate?”


“Sure? That’s not convincing.”

“Liam, please-“

He stands up and raises his hand, as if he were going to continue but he shrugs it off and walks away.

“Nobody freak out, I’m just going to the loo.”

He sulks away and I try to think of why he’s so upset. I know he’s sad that Louis is gone, but it hasn’t even been a week, and it’s

happened before. Harry is very good at seeming okay when he’s not. Zayn walks over and sits where Harry had been previously.

“What’s up with grumpy gills?”

“No idea. I’m guessing he misses Louis.”

“Seems hungover to me,” he rolls his eyes and nods, “Which is also probably because he misses Lou.”

He looks at me and takes a sip of his steaming coffee.

“You know, it’s worse for them, because they aren’t used to being apart. Us with our girlfriends- it’s just typical. They are always

together and just have to pretend they aren’t so in love. I can’t imagine doing that for three years.”

“Yeah, it sucks.”

Harry’s deep voice surprises me and I turn and look up at him. He’s smiling ear to ear, his demeanor completely different than before. I start to wonder about it when Michael snaps me out of my thoughts, calling us over to take our seats and begin the interview. The entire time, Harry acts like a happier, more hyper version of himself and I can’t help but to wonder why he’s acting this way.

Back to present day:

I knock on the door and within seconds, Louis flings it open, waving me in. I pull him into a quick hug and walk over to his couch, sitting down as he does the same in a chair next to me. Louis looks upset. He looks worried and just plain sad.

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