Chapter 42

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The rest of the day is better, but I haven’t spoken to Louis except for a brief text message in which I said sorry and that we should talk. All I received in return was ‘We will when I get home. It’ll be late. x.’ It’s a little frustrating that he’s out the whole day after such a bad fight between us, but I assume it’s for good reason. He’s with Liam, which I only know because Liam told Niall. Zayn told me he would have stayed with me at the flat, but had to meet Perrie for some wedding planning stuff. So, Niall agreed to watch movies with me. We’ve watched The Avengers and now, we’re half-way through My Best Friend’s Wedding and I can’t help but to admire Julia Roberts’ character’s boldness. I like to think that Louis and I are pretty open with each other about our feelings, but there’s always tension when we have different viewpoints. Like today. He kind of has Eleanor. More than me, at least. Even though we started as friends, she’s around Louis a lot more and I feel like she takes his side more than mine. There really shouldn’t be sides.

“Haz, I want a Chinese for lunch. Are you cool with that?”

I snap out of my meaningless thought and face him as he sits up from the other couch. I pull the blanket up that’s draped over my body. If I pull it up to my shoulders, it doesn’t cover my feet and it’s really frustrating.

“Yeah, of course. There’s a place around the corner that delivers.”


“The menu’s in the drawer by the phone.”

Niall nods and stands up abruptly. He’s been fidgety ever since I put this movie in, so he’s probably been waiting for a reason to get up. I’m pretty hungry again since it’s been about four hours since we ate. I turn back to the movie and chuckle when George, Jules’ gay best friend, shows up at her hotel to surprise her and she fell asleep in a face mask. I wish I had a girl friend that I was that close to; someone who could help me deal with Louis sometimes. The guys are great, but they don’t see it all like I do.

It really sucks sometimes that we left our homes so young. Hardly any of those friendships stuck while everyone moved on and went to Uni or started families. I’m close to my sister and my mum, at least. It’s not the same.

“What do you want, Harry?”

“Uh, whatever you get is fine. I’m not picky.”

I don’t even turn around to look at him when I speak. I’m lost in shallow thoughts about nothing. I’m actually pretty tired as well. I’ll probably fall asleep after I eat. Maybe if I sleep, the time will pass faster and Louis will be home. I won’t feel right until we talk it all out.

A few minutes later, Niall hops over the back of the couch and lands lightly on the cushions.

“It’ll be here in twenty.”

I nod and watch the movie again. I don’t know why, but I don’t feel like talking to Niall. I don’t want him to leave, though. That’s pretty selfish, but I know he doesn’t mind. He probably wishes we were watching something else, but he just wants me to be happy. He did pick the first movie.

He glances over at me a few times, probably to make sure I’m okay since I’m being quiet, before he settles back into the couch and stares at the telly.

I check my phone multiple times, but there’s nothing from anyone. I go on twitter and skim through the posts. There are a couple pictures of Louis and Liam leaving the restaurant. Then, there’s one of them at the mall. What the fuck? He’s really avoiding our much needed conversation to go shopping?

I keep scrolling, quicker, trying to find older tweets, and I end up seeing a dark photo of Louis walking into my dad’s hotel, hoodie up over his head. There is also a picture through the window of my dad, Lou, and I at the restaurant yesterday. Thank god it’s from before our discussion got heated. I’d hate to think that people got pictures of a moment like that. I don’t want to think about it, much less relive it through photographs.

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