Chapter 15

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Eleanor and I just arrived in London and the swarms around us are still asking about Harry. We have done exactly as we were told by management: taking long walks on the beach, going out for romantic dinners, 'staying in bed' all day. The public should be convinced by now if Modest's plan was going to work. We all knew it wouldn't, but I try not to think about it too much. Once we are in the car, I let my mind wander to Harry.

I can't wait to see him. Sure, I've been depressed this entire month, but nothing compared to Harry. I just want to hold him and listen to him talk about his terrible weeks in London alone while I play with his hair. We are just never away from each other this long. It's too much for both of us, but especially for him. He's fragile; emotional. I try to map out in my head the safest way to get to his flat and really can't wait until he's back at mine more permanently again. I pull out my phone and call him.

"Lou? Did you guys land?"

"Yep! We're back in good ole' London-town. Where are you?"

"I'm at some fashion event. It's... It's awful."

He sounds exhausted and miserable.

"When will you be home?"

"I can't leave until ten tonight and then I'm supposed to be out on the town."

His monotone makes me sad, but going against management's directions at this point makes the past month pointless.

"Call me as soon as you're free."

"Freedom isn't really an option, but I'll let you know when you can sneak over."

He seems irritated and I know it isn't at me. I just hate when he's grumpy.

"Alright. Hey, Harry?"


He yawns as he answers.

"I love you."

"I love you. I really can't wait to see you. Sorry I'm being a bitch."

"It's alright. I know you just miss me."

"Won't even argue that one."

We say our goodbyes and I turn to Eleanor.

"Is he alright?"

"Not really, but you know Harry. He'll be back to normal in no time."

"Yeah, as soon as he sees you!"

She playfully hits my shoulder and I blush, knowing she's right. I don't like when Harry is upset, but it is nice to be the one to pick him back up. It reassures me that I make him happy. When we stop at my flat, I get out and the driver takes my luggage out of the trunk.

"Well, Ellie, I'm sure I'll see you in the next couple days since the rumors haven't passed. So, enjoy your little time away from me."

She laughs and rolls her eyes. There's no need for good-byes so I pull my luggage inside as they drive away. When I walk in, I feel at least some relief. I can tell that Harry's been here while I was gone because it's cleaner than I left it and there's a vase of flowers with a note. I drop my bags at the door and walk over to the counter, carefully pulling the note away from the stem it is attached to.


I've been here way too much and it's only making me sadder. Might have stolen some of your clothes that smell like you. Don't judge. Can't wait to see you.

Love, Hazz*

Leave it to Harry to write an entirely unromantic note and somehow make it romantic. Maybe I'm biased. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. Sure enough, he stocked it with all of my favorites. I know he feels like everything is his fault, but it isn't. However, I can't complain about his making up for it. I pull out a beer and open it, pouring it's contents into an extremely cold glass that has been in the freezer for at least a month. I sit on the couch and sip it slowly, feeling the need to relax after my stressful 'vacation'. It's exhausting pretending to be in love with Eleanor all the time. She's great and all, but being cutesy and sweet with her is a little repulsive and makes me miss Harry. I need a good long time to recover from that trip. When I finish the beer, I set the glass on the ottoman and kick my shoes off, laying down on the couch and pulling the decorative pillow to my chest. Within a minute, I'm fast asleep.

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