Part 1

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The crate opened, sending blinding sunlight into BingSeptic's eyes. Wincing, he shifted his eyes from night vision back to normal. Stepping out, he let his eye scan over the house before him. The data on the address, who owned it, and all its residences came up. They had shipped him to Markiplier Manor. He scanned for life signs as a familiar voice beside him growled out. "What did you do to all my work"?! BingSeptic's scans showed a total of six people in the house. Turning his head, he saw Dr. Iplier staring into two other open crates. One had what remained of a fired Bing. While the other held Googleplier. Wilford leaned against Bing's crate, spinning his pistol around on his finger as he mumbled out in his slurring gruff voice. "Don't look at me. They kicked the shit out of each other. Anything else was Damien's handy work". 

Dr. Iplier sighed heavily, pressing his fingers to his temples as he groaned out. "I'd appreciate it if both you and Damien would stop treating my work like their fucking battle bots"! Wilford rolled his eyes, scuffing dismissively, before he answered bluntly. "Don't tell me what to do, boy! It wasn't YOUR money that shipped these bastards all the way from-". Wilford trailed off as the Nurse limped past him. Flipping his gun around, he cocked back the hammer and gave her a wide eyed look. The Nurse flashed him murderous eyes as she continued to move in to take Bing's lifeless fired body out of the crate. She dragged Bing's body across the pavement causing a loud high pitched metallic screeching to fill the air.

When she managed to get a few feet toward the manor, Wilford told Dr. Iplier with an uncomfortable shiver. "Why do you keep her around? She freaks me out. I don't understand why she's so pissed. I only shot her once... To my knowledge". BingSeptic winced as the high pitch frequency peaked his internal mic. Then from up on a balcony, a man dressed in a Japanese school girl uniform leaned over the railing to scream out to the Nurse below. "DO YOU MIND?! I CAN'T DREAM OF MY SENPAI WITH ALL THIS FUCKING NOISE"! Another person stepped out onto the balcony to shout out at them all. "DO YOU MIND?! I'm trying to write a book! Which often requires silence for me to think"! BingSeptic raised an eyebrow as Wilford groaned, slumping against an empty crate as he uttered out in a drained voice. "Here we go again".

BingSeptic glanced back up to watch the man in the school girl uniform scream out to this new man with a blood stained bandage over his eyes. "UP YOURS, HOST! Can't you see I'm busy? OH WAIT... YOU CAN'T! NOW FUCK OFF"! The Host moved out farther onto the balcony to reply in a much calmer voice. "I don't have to see you to toss your ass off this balcony. So, Just give me a reason. I DARE you, Yandere". Yandere raised a katana sword to rest it on his shoulder and flicked the Host off with a smug smile. BingSeptic watched his scanners flicker with a strange interference as the Host spoke so softly that only his mic was picking it up. "Yandere's katana blade suddenly came loose. Falling apart in his hands, before an unforeseen entity sent him over the railing to his untimely death".

As the Host spoke, Yandere's sword fell apart and before he could react... Something pushed him over the railing. Yandere screamed as he fell through the air and before BingSeptic rushed in to catch him, a set of eight demonic looking hands burst from the pavement to catch him in their slender blood stained grip. They carefully set him on the ground, where he looked up at the Host with blazing white eyes. He slowly rose off the ground to hover between the mass of slender bloody hands, shouting up at the Host. "You will regret that"! The Host crossed his arms fearlessly. BingSeptic's vision distorted a second and when it cleared, Damien was standing on the porch. Damien struck his cane against the ground with a stern expression. Yandere's demonic hands vanished and he dropped to the ground as Damien's voice bellow from everywhere at once. "Enough"!

The Host silently backed up into the house without a word. Yandere lowered his head, mumbling out respectfully. "I'm sorry, Dark". Damien winced at the high pitch screeching as the Nurse continued to drag Bing across the ground. BingSeptic smiled warmly, watching Google quickly walk over to heft Bing's body off the ground with one hand. The Nurse showed no interest in Google's actions. She simply walked back toward the truck. Damien rolled his shoulders, turning his eyes on Google and BingSeptic as he told them calmly. "When you're finished with your repairs. Meet me in the study". Google gave Damien a nod. So, BingSeptic nodded too. He was still new to all this, but he no longer feared anything. Damien strolled into the house, seeming to vanish into the shadows of it.

It was only then that Google glanced over his shoulder to grin at him. Smiling back, he began to move closer to Google. He wanted to be closer to him. To feel his touch again. Only to see Yandere step into his path. Yandere stared into his eyes with a warm smile, extending a hand to touch his cheek. BingSeptic grabbed his wrist before it touched his face, asking curiously. "Can I help you"? Yandere leaned in closer, purring out. "What accent is that"? BingSeptic lowered his hand, answering politely. "Irish. Anything else"? Yandere stepped in a little too close for comfort as he replied in a low suggestive voice. "Yes, Actually. How would you like to be my new senpai"? BingSeptic opened his mouth to answer, when a hand shoved Yandere to the ground.

BingSeptic stared down at Yandere, giving him a shrug. He didn't have to look up to know it was Google who had shoved him down. Yandere glared at Googleplier, but Google didn't seem to care or even notice. Instead, Google took BingSeptic's wrist and lead him toward the house. He intertwined their fingers together, playfully asking Google. "You weren't jealous of Yandere were you"? Google rolled his eyes, leading him toward the open basement, answering dryly. "Of course not. I'm superior to him in every way. Why would I be threatened by him"? BingSeptic followed Google into the basement, leaning his shoulder against the brick wall as Google dropped Bing's body beside the wine shelving unit. With a smug smirk, he stated out to Google. "You pushed him away from me".

Google straightened up to his full height, stating back factually. "Actually... I was getting him out of harms way. My scans confirmed a possibility that you might hit him. So, I pushed him away to save him. I haven't broken any by laws". BingSeptic crossed his arms over his chest, telling him with a bright grin. "What were the odds that I'd hit him"? A smile spread over Google's lips as he reluctantly answered. "A one percent chance. However, I took the threat seriously". BingSeptic nodded, unable to stop smiling at Google. Google was jealous and just didn't want to admit it. He was too proud. Just like he was too stubborn to let it go. BingSeptic stared down Google, innocently admitting. "I was going to turn him down nicely. You didn't have to intervene".

Google stepped in close to press him back firmly against the wall, running his hands up along BingSeptic's arms as he told him in a hushed tone. "I calculated the odds of Yandere accepting that response too. My data showed a less than ten percent chance that he'd accept that. I don't argue with my data. So, I did what I did. Is that acceptable to you"? BingSeptic unfolded his arms to rest his hands on Google's hips, leaning in closer to brush his lips against Google's as he whispered back. "Just say that you were jealous. Or do you enjoy dazzling me with your wit"? Google grinned, pressing his lips against his. The kiss was tender and sweet. However, BingSeptic wanted more. Hooking his fingers into the loops of Google's jeans, he pulled him up against him.

The only thing that stopped him from tearing Google's clothes off was Google whispering lovingly against his lips. "We can't do that right now. My battery is running low from the trip. I need to charge first and so should you". BingSeptic pouted, but decided to kiss Google for just a bit longer. To Be Continued...       

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