Part 5

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BingSeptic landed heavily on pavement. Anti had let him go at some point during their transport and he guessed it was on purpose. Anti hovered above the ground a moment longer, before gracefully touching down beside him, causing a ripple of green sparks to scatter outward from his feet. Mark groaned softly, weakly struggling against his tied wrists. Anti's grip tightened on the ropes binding Mark's hands and called out to the house in front of him. "Schneeplestein?! Get your arse out here"! BingSeptic turned his eyes to the house and scanned for life signs. His scans only picked up five people. BingSeptic started to push up onto all fours, when Anti slammed a foot down between his shoulder blades to keep him down on his stomach. The front door jerked opened to the house and a man in a lab coat stepped out onto the porch. 

The man pulled down his blue doctor face mask, shouting back to Anti in a thick german accent. "It's DOCTOR Schneeplestein. If ya want to shout it, than shout it out right"! BingSeptic watched Dr. Schneeplestein close the door and overheard him mutter out to himself. "This motherfucker... I've got enough to deal with already". Dr. Schneeplestein started toward them, asking Anti curiously. "Where have you been? The whole house has gone crazy, while you've been - AHH"! BingSeptic jumped in just as much surprise at the hand that shot out of the ground and grabbed Dr. Schneeplestein's ankle, causing him to fall into a large bush on the other side of the sidewalk. Loud curses in german poured from Dr. Schneeplestein, while another man let out uproarious laugher from the open window of the house.

The man leaned out the window, removing his baseball cap and fanning himself with it as he called out into the yard. "Well done, Robbie! You didn't scare who I wanted... But well done"! BingSeptic scanned the arm over and over, but there was no life signs. No matter what he switched to, he couldn't see who or what was in the ground. Slowly, a form rose from the loose dirt and the minute BingSeptic met the persons eyes, he understood why. The guy was dead! His skin had faded to a purplish grey and his eyes were so whited out that it was amazing he could see at all. Robbie lazily brushed the dirt from his ripped black and white striped shirt and his messy dark purple bangs.  Robbie didn't look happy over the prank. Robbie looked... depressed and...Well... dead. Robbie glanced lazily from BingSeptic to Anti. Anti chuckled softly to himself and then suddenly stopped. 

Robbie's eyes had drifted down to what Anti was holding and his expression changed instantly. BingSeptic's internal alarms started to go off in warning as Robbie suddenly dashed at Mark with arms raised and teeth bared in a VERY aggressive manner! Anti removed his foot off of BingSeptic's back to kick Robbie in the chest, knocking him back easily. Robbie toppled back, but instantly got up like he didn't even feel the force Anti had put into that. Robbie charged back toward Mark with an aggressive roar. From the house window, the man yelled out to someone inside franticly. "Jackaboy! Robbie has gone cannibal"! BingSeptic jumped to his feet as Robbie reached Anti. Anti moved forward a step to block Mark and grabbed Robbie by the throat. Robbie didn't show the slightest interest in Anti. Robbie just wanted to get to Mark like a rabid dog! 

BingSeptic was about to step in and help, when a red blur shot out in front of him. BingSeptic blinked in shock. This new mans movement was so fast it messed with his system. The man in red grabbed Robbie by the shoulders, telling Anti apologetically. "Sorry it took me so long. I've had a long night. He's just hungry. Chase has been playing games with him again". The man was gone a second later with Robbie and Anti lowered his hand, distortedly glitching with fury as he yelled out. "CHASE"?! Chase appeared in the window, yelling back in his defense. "HEY! I'm training him! I asked and no one objected"! Dr. Schneeplestein came free of the bush, yelling out heatedly. "Yes! I did, Anti"! Anti glitched forward, dropping Mark at Dr. Schneeplestein's feet and hissing back. "Take care of him. I'll deal with THEM"! 

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