Part 19

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BingSeptic jerked up on his couch, pushing up his visor glasses. He touched his chest and then his lips. He could still feel Google all over him. Unplugging his cord from the wall, he took a moment to just lay back and relax. Laying his arm over his eyes, BingSeptic grumbled out in sudden realization. "Oh... Fuck. Damn it, Google... You didn't tell me anything about him." BingSeptic tried to send an internal message to Google, but the messages weren't going through. A soft knock at his door got him to raise his arm and ask aloud. "Who is it?" Two short knocks followed and BingSeptic scanned the door. Robbie. Climbing to his feet, he unlocked the door and let Robbie slip in. Robbie quickly closed the door and turned to face BingSeptic with a hopeful look. Shaking his head, he told Robbie honestly. "No... I didn't get anything I needed. I got... distracted."

Robbie lifted his hands in a gesture that asked him 'how' or 'why'. BingSeptic cleared his throat, looking away at nothing as he dropped his visor back down. Robbie didn't need to know that bit. Robbie crossed his arms and his eyes narrowed on him suspiciously. BingSeptic rubbed his thighs and shuffled his feet awkwardly, still trying to avoid Robbie's persistent hand gestures. Finally, he patted Robbie's shoulder awkwardly, telling him just as evasively. "I... I'll tell you when your older." Robbie rolled his eyes and gave him the finger. BingSeptic chuckled, making Robbie unable to contain his smile. BingSeptic had only just stepped out of his room, when Jackaboy dashed into his path. Jackaboy panted heavily, rushing out in a worried voice. "We're in trouble." BingSeptic glanced over his shoulder at Robbie, commenting dryly. "Tell me something I don't know."

From the stairs down the hall, an unfamiliar voice answered grimly. "Wrap your head around this, Robot... What EXACTLY did you say to Dark?" BingSeptic thought about replaying the audio, but figured the question was rhetorical. BingSeptic shrugged, taking in this new man. He was dressed in a silver costume similar to Jackaboy's but he had black underwear on the outside and a long black cape. The man's face was exposed, revealing his ruffled brown hair and a bright blue hard eye mask. Jackaboy waved toward the man, telling BingSeptic. "This is Silver Shepherd. He's my... My friend." BingSeptic scanned him and his name. His body scan suggested that he was a hero of incredible strength, could shape-shift into a silver haired german shepherd, and had very attuned senses. The only thing off about him was the mask.  According to his data, he normally wore a full face mask.

Curious, BingSeptic pointed to the mask, asking him suspiciously. "Changing up your look? That's not your usual mask." Silver Shepherd lowered his eyes to the floor and Jackaboy cut in to say tenderly. "That mask belonged to... There used to be three of us. Daniel Kyre... He's gone." Silver Shepherd composed himself, changing the subject as he snapped back. "Doesn't matter. The point is that Dark took your idea to a whole new level and if that was your intention... Than I'm gonna have to kick your tin can ass!" Robbie cracked his knuckles and let out a low growl in response. To which Silver Shepherd let out a loud growl and his eyes changed to a bright white. BingSeptic raised his hands between them, asking more bluntly. "Just give it to me straight already." Jackaboy took a deep breath, answering clearly. "What he means is that Dark doesn't have just Jack anymore... He's also go Chase's kids."

BingSeptic lowered his hands as he processed that. Silver Shepherd swatted BingSeptic's chest, snarling out with slightly pointed canine teeth. "I overheard Dark telling Googleplier that he was planning to kill all the Septiceyes in order to impress Anti...? All because of an idea YOU gave him." Robbie reacted to Silver hitting BingSeptic, by shoving him back. Silver let out another growl, telling Robbie scornfully. "Don't make me hurt you! You'll find your teeth won't get through my hide so easily!" Jackaboy zipped in between them then to yell out loudly. "Enough! This isn't helping!" BingSeptic checked his internal clock. Dark would be arriving soon. He hadn't planned for this... but he was confident that he could work around this. Jackaboy took Silver's face between his hands, whispering so softly to him that BingSeptic realized something.

Silver wasn't mad about the kids being taken, so much as he was upset that it was 'his' idea to get the Septiceyes killed to lure Dark here. Mostly because he only cared about one Septiceye in particular. Silver shook his head, grumbling out. "I can't loose you too. It will destroy me..." Jackaboy pulled Silver into a tight hug, forcing BingSeptic to turn away out of respect for their privacy. Robbie relaxed beside him, staring at Silver and Jackaboy with a look of longing. BingSeptic sighed lightly, rubbing his hand over Robbie's shoulders, before pulling him into a hug. That was the best he could do to comfort Robbie. After a moment, Jackaboy turned to face BingSeptic again, saying seriously. "Chase is... He won't come out of his room... He took a bottle in with him. S34N... If this goes south and those kids get hurt. There will be no saving him."

BingSeptic nodded, telling Jackaboy honestly. "I won't let them get hurt. I promise. Just be sure that he is alright." Jackaboy nodded, gesturing to Silver Shepherd, who immediately turned into a silver haired german shepherd with a blue mask and cape and solid white eyes.  Jackaboy rubbed Silver's head, saying sweetly. "Silver has already volunteered to look after him. Chase loves dogs. He's more likely to come out of his dark place if he's in the company of one." BingSeptic nodded, just as his alarm went off. It was time. BingSeptic patted Robbie's shoulder and headed upstairs. By the front door, both Mark and Copiplier shifted around uncomfortably. The rest of the Septiceyes sat nervously in the living room. Henrik was peeking out the window through the curtains, telling BingSeptic really worried. "He's out there... Waiting... and he's not alone."

BingSeptic puffed up his chest, telling them all. "Just stick to the plan. We got this." Mark huffed nervously. BingSeptic gestured them to walk out and started to follow, when he noticed Robbie following. Turning around, he placed a hand to his chest to stop him. Robbie shook his head, grabbing his hand. BingSeptic ruffled his purple hair, telling him gently. "Stick to the plan, Rob. They need you here." Robbie shook his head again. BingSeptic didn't have the heart to yell at him. To his luck, Henrik moved up to wrap his arms around his son and held him close. Robbie reluctantly let go, but quickly gestured to him. BingSeptic smiled warmly. Robbie wanted him to be careful. Turning to walk out onto the porch, he took ahold of Mark and Copiplier's arms for show. Leading them out across the yard to the gate.

Dark stood casually in front of the gate with two children huddled with a woman on their knees.  At his sides stood Googleplier, Bingplier, Yandereplier, Wilford, and Dr. Iplier. Sean's eyes lingered on Yandereplier and he stopped cold in shock. Yandereplier was leaning over the shoulders of a bruised and bleeding man with a knife at his throat. BingSeptic's grip loosened on Mark and Copiplier. He had never been this close to Jack before. The cocking of a gun snapped BingSeptic back to reality. Dark raised the gun toward the woman's head, stating out as cold as ice. "Where is he?" BingSeptic tapped Mark and Copiplier to kneel, telling Dark respectfully. "He's waiting for you downstairs, your dark majesty. I figured you'd want to be the first thing he sees. He'd owe his freedom to you." A very tiny smirk twitched Dark's lip, before he stated out smugly. "I wasn't referring to Anti. Where is little Silver?"

BingSeptic stayed emotionless, but Dark continued on bitterly. "I know the little mutt is here. I have spies of my own remember?" Yandereplier giggled, stroking Jack's chest possessively. BingSeptic glanced over his shoulder to see Henrik leaving the doorway. His audio picked up Henrik calling out for Silver and after a few minutes, Silver walked out onto the porch still in the form of a silver haired german shepherd. Darkiplier snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground at his feet. Silver's tail slipped between his legs and his ears fell flat against his head as he reluctantly took the steps down one at a time. Wilford twirled his gun around his finger, leaning in to Dark's side to mumble with a casual shrug. "Damien... I'm just throwing this out there... but I was sure you said that they only had two of our people. When in fact, they have three... Does that a... Change some things?"

BingSeptic's alarms went off, feeling the sudden change in the air. Dark didn't answer vocally. Instead, he raised his gun and shot Silver in the back. Silver yelped sharply as black smoke billowed from the wound and he toppled to the ground. Chase's kids screamed and BingSeptic tracked movement. Fast moment! Jackaboy was running straight for Dark in a rage fueled attack. Dark was ready for it, but BingSeptic made a choice. Shoving Jackaboy into the air and taking the bullet into his shoulder. Wilford removed a second gun from his chest holster, spinning his revolvers and excitedly stating out. "This is more like it!" BingSeptic turned to try and see if he could still recover this situation, when Bingplier's fist collided with his jaw. To Be Continued...   

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