Part 18

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BingSeptic sighed to calm himself down. He didn't understand why his system was working so hard. He just wanted to relax. Google kissed his exposed hip, making BingSeptic's hips rise off the mattress. He understood that he had requested Google to tease his lower half... but he didn't realize with his sensitivity so high that it would be a killer to sit through. Google licked his tongue up his happy trail to his belly button, sucking lightly on the rim. BingSeptic moved his heels to press against Google's thighs pushing him back gently. He was barely able to function and needed Google to stop teasing him. He wanted to think. However, Google's body was heavy and didn't budge. Instead, Google rose up onto all fours, asking him curiously. "Is something wrong"? BingSeptic shook his head honestly. Nothing was really wrong. Google crawled over him a bit more, leaning down only a little bit to whisper sweetly. "I know it feels weird, but my scans are monitoring your condition closely". 

BingSeptic rose up on his elbows to press his lips to Google's hungrily. Google's hand stroked his jaw to keep him involved in the kiss. BingSeptic didn't want to stop kissing him. Google's kisses felt so good against his sensitive lips. Google's hand drifted down his neck. Then down his chest to tentatively brush a finger over his nipple and the light tickling sensation made BingSeptic gasp loudly. Braking the kiss, BingSeptic fell back across the mattress with flushed cheeks and grabbed Google's arm. He didn't want to stop him... but he needed something to grab that he couldn't break. Google let out a light-hearted chuckle, taking BingSeptic's free wrist to pin it above him. Google then leaned down to playfully bite BingSeptic's shoulder. BingSeptic bit his lower lip, raising his legs to wrap around Google's waist. He wanted to flip Google over and tear his jeans off.

Only when he tried to execute the task, his screen flashed a 'Permission denied'. BingSeptic tried to come up with a new way to flip him, but was met with the same message. Worried that this was breaking his programing, he glanced over at Google with wide eyed concern. Google stopped biting his shoulder, letting out a deep throaty chuckle. Google's wicked eyes met his afterward to smugly purr out inches from his lips. "I can't allow that, S34N. I've finally got you right where I want you". BingSeptic huffed softly, shifting beneath Google in order to raise his hips up to grind against his teasingly. Google countered by removing his fingers away from teasing his nipple to his jeans. BingSeptic stopped functioning to simply watch Google unbutton his own jeans. He found the gesture to be slightly intimidating. Google was so calm. The moment Google's pants were opened enough, BingSeptic helped Google push them down his hips with his legs.

BingSeptic expected Google to push his underwear down too, but he didn't. Google was still teasing him. Lowering back down over him to grind his soft blue underwear against his sensitive hard on. BingSeptic moaned loudly, arching under him as Google got ahold of his free wrist and pinned it down too. He felt trapped beneath him. Completely at Google's mercy. Clenching his jaw, BingSeptic's toes clawed into the sheets as muffled moans broke from his throat. He could feel how hard Google was, but Google clearly was in more control than he was. How high was Google's sensitivity? Had he kept his low on purpose? A way to flood his circuits with overwhelming feelings of desire? Google leaned down to kiss him again and BingSeptic resisted it playfully. He didn't want to give Google everything he wanted. The only problem... He was vulnerable to Google internally.

BingSeptic saw a series of commands appear on his screen and swallowed nervously. Google was in his system and showing him this screen on purpose. Google scrolled through the commands and stopped on 'Rated XXX Commands'. An administrator permissions showed up and Google typed in a password that BingSeptic couldn't see. The son of a bitch had found a way to access the deep inner workings of his system! When the new commands came up, BingSeptic regretted resisting. Google smiled against his neck, whispering devilishly. "Well... Seems Mark did have plans for you after all. I'll be sure to test them out". BingSeptic shifted restlessly, mumbling out. "Google... about that kiss"? Google wasn't listening though, he was scanning the commands for the first one to try.

Google moved his lips to his ear, commanding him sweetly. "BingSepticEye, Follow kiss command". BingSeptic shook his head, but seconds later the program jerked him into obedience. Google let go of one of BingSeptic's wrists, moving his hand to his neck as he pointed to his throat, commanding with a smirk. "Here". BingSeptic tried to resist the command, but his program had a little help from Google. Wrapping his free arm around Googleplier's bare shoulders, he leaned up to kiss his neck with a lustful hunger. Google sat up a bit more trailing his fingers very slowly from his neck down the center of his chest. BingSeptic could only lock eyes with Google for a brief second, playfully growling out. "I hate you". BingSeptic didn't bother to fight the program and just obeyed. Kissing a trail of light seductive kisses down Google's smooth chest.

Google's hand continued to go lower to the hem of his underwear. However, before BingSeptic's lips reached them, Google lifted his chin to look back up at him. The look in Google's eyes made him want to obey any command given. Google kissed his lips and BingSeptic didn't need his program to tell him to do it. Right after the kiss, Google told him lovingly. "I think I'm in love with you". BingSeptic smiled, raising a hand for Google to press his own against his. Together they intertwined their fingers, while BingSeptic told him whole-heartedly. "Me too". From somewhere in the background a groan rolled out and Google's eyes suddenly flared a bright red. Google shot a murderous glare to a part of the room that appeared empty from BingSeptic's view. Although, Google disproved that by snapping out. "Shut up, Bing! Or I'll dismantle you"! BingSeptic barely heard Bing's voice grumble out. "Bite me".

Google yanked his jeans off of his legs and tried to scramble off the bed, but BingSeptic quickly grabbed Google's throat in an iron grip. Google looked back at him, his eyes flickering from red to brown. BingSeptic coaxed him back down over him, telling him in a lust driven voice. "Ignore him. Focus on me". Google crawled back over him and BingSeptic laid back down coaxing him back between his legs. Google's eyes were starting to turn a golden brown as he asked more rationally. "How shall we do this? Should I get you off right away or take my time"? BingSeptic nibbled Google's lower lip teasingly, whispering to him. "Dealers choice. Surprise me"? Google grinned brightly, grabbing BingSeptic's legs and pulling him up against his hips. BingSeptic took a deep breath as Google pushed the front of his underwear down and positioned himself better.

BingSeptic glanced up at the ceiling, preparing himself. Google lowered over him suddenly and thrusted in swiftly. BingSeptic arched back with a loud moan of pleasure. Google paused for a brief moment to run a scan of him, but he gripped his shoulders, begging him breathlessly. "Oh, fuck! Don't! I'm good! Keep going"! Google canceled the scan and started into an aggressive rhythm that caused the bed to slam against the wall. BingSeptic could see why to a human this was painful and they'd be torn open. Google was aggressive, but to him it actually felt really good. With his sensitivity set so high, he only felt the strong desire to keep going. BingSeptic braced his hands on the headboard to keep himself in place for Google. The bed banged the wall, chipping away the paint. Yet, All BingSeptic cared about was the fact that Google's eyes where starting to glow a bight blue.

Tensing his legs at Google's sides, he decided to play a bit dirty. Closing his eyes, he managed to link himself into Google's coding. If Google wanted his sensitivity high... then he wondered what would happen if he turned up Google's? At first, Google was too distracted to really notice the change. At least, until BingSeptic forced himself up a bit to suckle on one of Google's nipples. Google arched back as a loud moan belted out from him and he punched the headboard in an attempt to stop his rhythm. Google's body took a moment to relax, before he breathlessly mumbled out. "You son of a bitch... That wasn't fair". BingSeptic giggled, looking up at the headboard. Google's fist had gone right through it and into the wall during his release. Google slowly removed his fist, chuckling out in a low guilty voice. "Oh, shit...".

Google rose off him on all fours, taking a deep breath, before telling him. "That caught me off guard... Shit". BingSeptic giggled, reaching down between them to take a small drop of the light blue edible gel off Google's cock tip. Google watched him closely as he opened his mouth to slide the gel over his tongue for Google to see. He had been curious about how it would taste and found himself smirking. It wasn't what he had expected it to be. It was Blueberries with a hint of Blackberries. Google didn't let him ask how or even why he tasted like that, before he kissed him passionately. BingSeptic savored the kiss, when a door slammed open on Google's end and the connection was lost. To Be Continued...   

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