Part 9

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BingSeptic panted heavily, wrapping an arm around Robbie's shoulders. He wanted to be angry that the connection was broken, but he was kind of thankful. He felt a little uneasy about have that strong of a reaction seen by the others. He'd have to tapper with the backyard security camera later. Robbie lifted his head, revealing the blood all over his face and neck. The most interesting thing that BingSeptic's data confirmed was that Robbie was crying blood. Robbie's whited out eyes caught him staring and he climbed off him. Robbie pulled his legs up against his chest, rubbing his face with his sleeves. When he pulled them back to see the blood, he let his hands fall limply to the grass and dropped his forehead to his knees. BingSeptic just sat there watching him for a minute. 

Robbie looked so... repulsed with himself. He found it strange that he related to Robbie in some ways. Not knowing why you exist and feeling so confused by what you are compared to everyone else. BingSeptic moved his hand to touch Robbie's back. Robbie flinched from the contact, burying his head deeper between his knees. BingSeptic slid his hand up Robbie's back to clutch his shoulder, telling him in a casual voice. "You're not a monster, Robbie. You're just a different kind of animal". Robbie lifted his head to squint at him with confusion or maybe it was sarcasm. BingSeptic reached up with his free hand to slide a small leveler on his visor. His visor lit up and projected a yellow tinted screen before them. He'd have to show Robbie what he meant.

BingSeptic channeled through some images of a dead fox being devours by maggots. Then as the fox turned to rotting skin, he showed him how the dirt drained the rotting flesh for nutrients to grow grass. Then panned back enough to see a zebra eating the grass. When he panned back a bit farther, he showed a lion hunting down another zebra. Then just to prove his point farther he flicked to many images of different animals eating different things, right along with images of humans. Sliding the lever back to turn the projection off, he told Robbie. "See? You did nothing to that animal that something else in nature wouldn't have done. At least, you eat. I can't do that". Robbie smirked at him, before glancing down at his blood stained hand. BingSeptic turned Robbie's face to him. He thought of only one way that Robbie might feel better.

Brushing his finger in the blood leaking from Robbie's eye, he smeared it down across his cheek. Robbie closed his eyes, letting him do it, while he told him soothingly. "You know. According to my data, in some cultures if you kill an animal you have to eat the heart and adorn yourself in its blood like war paint. It symbolizes that you have taken the animal into yourself. So, it will live on through you. Forever apart of you. Hunting has always been a right of passage for boys to become men... and you can do it without a weapon. You should be proud of yourself". BingSeptic finished drawing four lines down across Robbie's left eye and gave him a smirk. With Robbie's faded skin tone and deep purple hair, the blood red war paint made him look... intimidating. He kind of liked it.

Robbie smiled, placing a hand to BingSeptic's shoulder. BingSeptic nodded, climbing to his feet as he told him. "You're welcome". Robbie climbed to his feet, following him back toward the house. He needed to find an outlet to charge. His battery was getting really low now thanks to the power he was using between Google and Robbie. Opening the backdoor for Robbie to go in first, he overheard Jackaboy tell Marvin.  "I have to agree with Schneeplestein. Jack hasn't posted a video on Youtube in days. That's not like him".  Marvin's eyes drifted to them and he sprayed his playing cards all over the kitchen floor. Marvin eyes were wide with unsettlement as he asked Robbie nervously. "Robbie... Buddy? What did you do to your face"? Jackaboy-man turned to look and jumped back, snapping out. "JESUS CHRIST! You trying to give us a heart attack"! Robbie shuffled his feet nervously and BingSeptic was about to say something in his defense.

When Anti suddenly appeared in the kitchen, answering aloud with an evil smirk. "New look, Robbie? I like it". Robbie blushed a little and rubbed his neck. BingSeptic noted that Anti probably didn't give comments like that to the others. He almost wondered from the way Anti suddenly glared at the others, if Robbie was his favorite. Anti always seemed very protective of him, judging by the way he responded to Chase not feeding him and the looks he was giving now. He guessed it made sense. Compared to everyone in the house... no one was as dark in personality as Anti besides Robbie. BingSeptic had just managed to step into the house as Anti shoved another man with a hiking backpack to the floor, distortedly growling out. "I told you. No one was to leave this house"! Jackaboy-man crossed his arms over his chest, stating back. "Angus was only trying to help you track down Jack. Besides, Dark has no interest in any of us-". 

Anti teleported across the room, grabbing Jackaboy by the throat as he snapped out barely in control of himself. "And what do you think he'll do... If he does get ahold of you? Huh? Your life is meaningless to him". Anti released Jackaboy's neck, telling Marvin even louder. "You think this is a game?! When they come for us, they won't spare you. You either stay low-key or... ". Anti teleported closer to Marvin, grazing his knife lightly down Marvin's neck as he finished off in a dark whisper. "You die". Marvin raised his hands up, vanishing in a burst of white smoke, before reappearing by Angus. Helping Angus up to his feet, Marvin then pulled a card out of his blue sleeve, turning it around between his fingers to show it to Anti. The ace of hearts. 

Marvin then flicked the card at Anti, saying tenderly. "Show a bit more compassion, Anti. We get that you're trying to protect us, but we can protect ourselves. We aren't useless". Anti caught the card and put it to the wall, stabbing it with his knife. Once it was pinned there, he snapped out to Chase, Jameson, and Jacque as they peered into the kitchen from the living room. "I hope you're right. Cause you all sure don't look like much to me". Anti yanked his knife from the wall, starting to walk away toward the front door.  Angus turned to storm after Anti, stating in a thick Australian accent. "Hey! If you're going out to find him, than I'm coming too"! Anti whirled around to put the knife to Angus's throat, growling out. "I don't need any of you slowing me down. Just stay here and get your... 'acts' together".

Jackaboy-man dashed into the living room with them, adding in seriously. "Jack is family! We should all be out there looking for him. Not just you"! Anti rubbed his temples, stating out bitterly. "I know where he is. I just can't get to him! And if you know what is good for you... You will all STAY HERE"! Marvin folded his arms over his chest, telling Anti over the others. "Well, than why won't you let us help you get him back"? Anti started to tense up and BingSeptic could see the electricity building around him. BingSeptic acted quickly, stepping protectively in front of Robbie as Anti sent out a burst of electricity. As it hit the others, they collapsed to the ground, wincing and groaning as green sparks rippled off their bodies. The second the wave of electricity hit BingSeptic though, he simply watched his battery absorb the energy.

Anti let out a heavy sigh, telling the others. "The last thing I need is Dark getting more hostages. Now, stay out of my way". BingSeptic quickly moved forward, trying not to step on anyone as he shouted out to Anti. "I can set up a meeting with Dark! This has all been a misunderstanding. Dark didn't want to start a war. He sent me to arrange a-". Anti raised his hand to stop him, glaring back at him with pitch black eyes, retorting sternly. "Listen... Glitch Bitch. I don't answer to anyone. Least of all, Damien Darkiplier. And for all I know... You've already told Dark where we are".  BingSeptic raised an eyebrow, asking softly to himself. "Damien Darkiplier... You know his real name"? To his knowledge no one called Dark 'Damien' unless... BingSeptic watched Anti's eyes drain from black to a crystal blue, giving him a sudden strangely hostel look. He had struck a nerve with Anti.

Jackaboy-man sat up on the floor, looking put off as he snapped out at Anti. "Hold on a minute! Are you telling me that you not only know Dark... but this fight between you two is personal"? Anti pointed his knife at Jackaboy-man, about to say something angrily. Only to be interrupted by the door to the downstairs opening up with a loud 'Bang'.  Stepping out from the door, Dr. Schneeplestein told Anti in an excited rush. "OH, good! I thought I heard you up here! Come quick! Mark is awake"! To Be Continued...       

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